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For some reason, Pittsburgh seems to have some connection with Ireland, and we have a relatively big parade in the weekend before the St. Patrick Day. I don't know who St. Patrick is, but in CMU, I learned that the St. Patrick day is the day when I am supposed to wear something green and drink Irish beer.
If you felt like, oh, Pittsburgh has some connection with Ireland because of Andrew Carnegie, Andrew Carnegie is from Scottland. Not Ireland. Since both are somewhat northern Great Britain, it is easy to mix up. Maybe Andrew Carnegie had some connection with Ireland after all, and therefore Pittsburgh has a good reason to cerebrate St. Patrick's Day big, but maybe nothing to do with Andrew Carnegie. I really haven't bothered to look into why.
Anyways, there was a 5K race on the day of the parade. This was my first 5K race of this year. My goal of last year was to run 5 kilometers within 27 minutes, which I did. This year, I want to run 5K within 26 minutes. I increased my speed to 7MPH on treadmill since this month. 7MPH is about 8 minutes 30 seconds per mile. So, my goal for this race was to keep up with 8 min 30 sec pacers.
The 10-day forecast was predicting a increment weather on the day of the race, but as the day came closer, the severe weather gradually delayed. It turned out a very good race condition. I was a bit worried about the parking, but when I arrive at the downtown around 7am, I easily found a parking spot.
But, my condition was not bad, but not the best. I picked up norovirus infection earlier the week. I had to stay in bed for Monday to Wednesday. My body weight stayed stubborn after doing that much exercise, but I lost 5 pounds in these three days. Then, I could not help watching total lunar eclipse Thursday night to Friday morning. So, I was a little bit sleep deprived.
1-mile fun-run and walk started at 8am. And then 5K was to start 8:25. I waited for the horn right next to the 8 min 30 sec pacers.
Then it started. At the beginning, it was nothing difficult to keep up with the pacers. I rather felt slower. But, if I run too fast, I'll run out of energy before finishing 5K. Then soon turned to fourth ave. Uphill and headwind shove off my energy. Then Wood St., Forbes Ave., Smithfield St., and then turned to Seventh Ave. This uphill and stronger headwind was really difficult. In the first lap, my legs were still moving. I somehow kept up with the pacers, but felt I was burning my energy quickly. Then Grant St., and turned to Blvd of the Allies. This was a long downhill. Then I thought. It was a 2-lap race. The uphill-headwind combination was so tough. I probably won't be able to maintain the speed. Then, I should earn some time on this downhill. I increased the speed and passed the pacers.
Then entered the second lap at Stanwix st. As expected, I slowed down a lot on the uphill streets. Seventh Ave. was so difficult. Same uphill and same headwind, and my legs were not moving as much as the first lap. But I was just telling myself I should be able to do it. 8 min 30 sec pacers caught up with me in the middle of Grant St. After that, I just gave my best shot to keep up with them.
I did not have energy to speed up on the Blvd of the Allies downhill any longer. But, finally the goal gate was in sight. The timer next to the gate was showing 26 minutes even. No energy left to final push. It felt such a long time. But, still I was with the 8 min 30 sec pacers.
The timer showed 26 min 30 seconds when I crossed the goal gate. It took some time to get to the start gate after the horn, so it should be a little bit shorter. Turned out, the official time was 26 minutes 15 seconds. And, I kept up with 8 min 30 sec pacers all the way. By the way, the division place, and the age-group place were both inaccurate immediately after the race. Can anyone who even do not know how to sort get paid as a programmer? I felt so ironic. But, by now the results were corrected. Probably either that ineligible programmer was fired, or that person was sent back to school quickly to learn how to sort.
I did run 5K within 26 minutes once in the Great Race 5K last year, but it was almost entirely downhill. This was a up and down mixed race, plus headwind on uphill streets. Finishing this race in 26 minutes 15 seconds was a good result for me. I just need to increase speed gradually toward later in the season.
I was in Japan late December. I was bombarded by sneezes from front, back, and the right. How could I disembark without catching cold!? Somehow I evaded the bio hazard while I was in Japan (My wife was not that lucky). But, I caught cold after coming back to Pittsburgh. Or maybe it was my incubation period while I was in Japan. So, I lost one week. I was thinking to play Vein Dream during the winter break, but I ran out of time.
Last year was full of astronomical shows. Total solar eclipse, Atlas comet, and low-lattitude Aurora. What about this year? Actually, I already had one. The moon passed in front of the Mars. It was not as spectacular as the ones I was last year, but still was interesting. The red dot just under the moon was the Mars. But, I heard that it takes about 54 minutes for the Mars to re-appear, so I came out after 54 minutes, but the Mars did not come out. I didn't even see a red star near the moon. Did anyone destroy the Mars? I'm worried about Mars now. Probably I should come out tonight again to see the Mars still exists.
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