I have visited Dayton Air Show end of June. This year, Blue
Angels is back! But, the military participation was much fewer
than before. I saw Marine Corps AV-8B harrier II, but no flights
from Air Force and Navy. I wish the air shows will be back to the
pre-2013 level. By the way, A-4B Skyhawk based at Waukegan was on
static display. This time Mr. Paul Wood, the owner of this
airplane, flew F-86 Sabre, instead of A-4B. I wish he flies A-4B
next time.

A-4B Skyhawk based at Waukegan
The weather forecast was horrible. Thunderstorms were forecasted
for both Saturday and Sunday. As forecasted, light rain was
falling early Saturday. But, it was not hard enough to cancel the
flying demonstration. In such condition, I don't aim my camera.
I just enjoy watching airplanes flying.

Coast Guard rescue demo. No
problem with low clouds.

I captured the exact moment of Sean D.
Tucker's ribbon cut. Well, I wish I had more light so that the
picture was more crisp.

I noticed that the silhouette of AV-8B
looking from the front is similar to B-2. Isn't it?

Patty Wagstaff vs. Jet Truck.
I was worried that the show would be cancelled when the thunderstorm
develops. However, contrary to the forecast, the cloud was getting
thinner to the late afternoon. The sky was not clear, but I could
see Blue Angels' flying. It was a nice show.

Almost captured the Sneak Pass.
I'll try again. Sunday. The forecast was even
more depressing than Saturday. Not just thunderstorm, but a
severe thunderstorm was predicted.
I was thinking to leave early if it starts raining hard. Well, but,
in contrary to the forecast, the weather was even better than Saturday!
I have a feeling that the forecast is more inaccurate than before.
Just like this one, a local TV station was predicting a severe
thunderstorm over Pittsburgh for this Wednesday (7/23), but we didn't
have even a drop of water falling from the sky. Is the weather
pattern changing? I don't know why. I welcomed the nice error
in the forecast.

I wish a pole was not there....

Photo pass of AV-8B was very far.
This was what I got with 800mm lens (if converted to 35mm film).

Of course, I can trim it like this,
but it is missing features because it is not using full-resolution of
the camera.

Patty Wagstaff AOPA logo on the

This time, I aimed Fat Albert portrait position. C-130 has such a
long wing. If I take with landscape position, the picture will
have empty space on the left and right. I think this picture came
out well. Finally, the severe thunderstorm forecast was completely
overturned, and six F-18s took to the sky.

Blue Angels Diamond for some reason
flew almost directly above the spectator, instead of showing their
backs. Was it intentional? Later in the show,
I think it was when the diamond was flying a loop before bomb-burst
downward (I guess Blue Angels call it Loop Break Cross), the diamond
formation ended up passing through a cloud. Then, the leader
called on the radio "Delta Flat Pass". I think the leader decided
that the cloud was increasing and the condition became below minimum for
the Loop Break Cross. We can see Delta Flat Pass only in a low-show
or a flat-show, usually. It was a good opportunity to take a
profile view of the formation, all six airplanes in one picture.
The sun was still out. The lighting condition was good. I
took this picture....

Well, but the background was white rather than blue. Also the
distance from the show center was farther than
This one is obviously
better than the above picture. The picture was not very crisp.
It is not easy to take a delta formation from the side in an air show.
By the way, I tried to take a close-up look of Sneak Pass, but my camera
lost focus and missed this time. I'll try again in Cleveland air