NAME:SRF-FORMAT DESCRIPTION: SRF format is a simple polygon model format. Actually, when I designed this format, I thought that I should call it PLG format because it's polygon data. But I decided not to use PLG because it may be too general. I'm sure there are many different kinds of PLG formats. I've never seen SRF. I think my decision was right. In SRF file, you have to write SURF at the top. (Without preceeding spaces. I put four spaces just for indentation). You can define a vertex by writing V x y z or V x y z R If you put R, it means that the object must be drawn smoothly over this vertex. But, YsClass library simply ignore R option. Each vertices has IDs. Id begin with 0. First appeared vertex has an ID of 0. Next one has an ID of 1. Then, 2,3,4.... After defining vertices, polygons must be defined. A polygon is defined as follows. F C col N cx cy cz nx ny nz V vtId vtId vtId vtId ..... E F tells that a definition of polygon begins with this line. C defines color. The parameter <col> is a 15 bit color. If you have 8 bit scale RGB color (each component is 0 through 255), <col> is calculated as col=(((G>>3)<<10)|((R>>3)<<5)|(B>>3)); or col=((G/8)*1024)+((R/8)*32)+(B/8); Green component comes to the top most bits. N defines the gravity center of the polygon and the normal of the polygon. (cx,cy,cz) is the gravity center of the polygon (average of vertices). (nx,ny,nz) is the normal of the polygon. The normal vector must go toward the outside of the object. If the normal is zero, the polygon is two sided polygon. But, if the object has one or more two sided polygon, boolean operation becomes invalid. V defines the vertices by IDs. After defining polygons, you should put one more E at the end of the file. eg.) Cube SURF V -6.0 -6.0 -6.0 R V 6.0 -6.0 -6.0 R V -6.0 6.0 -6.0 R V 6.0 6.0 -6.0 R V -6.0 -6.0 6.0 R V 6.0 -6.0 6.0 R V -6.0 6.0 6.0 R V 6.0 6.0 6.0 R F C 31 N 0.0 0.0 -6.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 V 0 1 3 2 E F C 31 N 0.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 V 6 7 5 4 E F C 31 N 0.0 -6.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 V 4 5 1 0 E F C 31 N 6.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 V 5 7 3 1 E F C 31 N 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 V 7 6 2 3 E F C 31 N -6.0 0.0 0.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 V 6 4 0 2 E E REFERENCE:
NAME:YSCONVEXNIZESTRATEGY NAME:YSCONVEXNIZEDEFAULT NAME:YSCONVEXNIZENOSMALLANGLE NAME:YSCONVEXNIZE90DEGREE NAME:YSCONVEXNIZEFASTEST DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSCONVEXNIZEDEFAULT, YSCONVEXNIZENOSMALLANGLE, YSCONVEXNIZE90DEGREE, YSCONVEXNIZEFASTEST } YSCONVEXNIZESTRATEGY; DESCRIPTION: Macro represents convexnize/tessellation(trianglize) strategy. YSCONVEXNIZENOSMALLANGLE Try to maximize the smallest angle YSCONVEXNIZE90DEGREE Try to make all angles close to 90 degree. YSCONVEXNIZEFASTEST Just care the calculation speed. This macro is used in some member functions of YsSword class. YsSword is used to cut a polygon into pieces, into triangles or into convex polygons. (See also YsSword) REFERENCE:
NAME:YSCOORDSYSMODEL NAME:YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS NAME:YSRIGHT_ZMINUS_YPLUS NAME:YSBLUEIMPULSE NAME:YSOPENGL DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS, YSRIGHT_ZMINUS_YPLUS } YSCOORDSYSMODEL; #define YSBLUEIMPULSE YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS #define YSOPENGL YSRIGHT_ZMINUS_YPLUS DESCRIPTION: Macro represents Coordinate System Model. YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS means left hand coordinate system, Z positive direction as forward and Y positive direction as upward. This is Blue Impulse 3DG-SDK standard. ( YSRIGHT_ZMINUS_YPLUS means right hand coordinate system, Z negative direction as forward and Y positive direction as upward. This is OpenGL standard. You can also use YSBLUEIMPULSE instead of YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS and YSOPENGL instead of YSRIGHT_ZMINUS_YPLUS. You can switch left hand coordinate system or right hand coordinate system by setting one of these values into the global variable, YsCoordSysModel. This will affect coordinate system dependent functions/classes like YsAtt3 and YsCheckFlipDirection3. REFERENCE:
NAME:YSFLIPDIRECTION NAME:YSFLIPCW NAME:YSFLIPCCW NAME:YSLIPUNKNOWN DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSFLIPCCW, YSFLIPCW, YSFLIPUNKNOWN } YSFLIPDIRECTION; DESCRIPTION: This macro is used to return a flip direction of a polygon. YSFLIPCCW Conterclockwise YSFLIPCW Clockwise YSFLIPUNKNOWN Unknown (Failed to calculate.) YsCheckFlipDirection3 is coordinate system dependent. (See YsCoordSysModel and YSCOORDSYSMODEL for more information) REFERENCE:
NAME:YSINTERSECTION NAME:YSINTERSECT NAME:YSOVERLAP NAME:YSTOUCH NAME:YSSHAREPOINT NAME:YSAPART DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSINTERSECT, YSOVERLAP, YSTOUCH, YSSHAREPOINT, YSAPART } YSINTERSECTION; DESCRIPTION: Macro represents intersection. The meaning of the macro is: YSINTERSECT Two objects are intersecting YSOVERLAP Two objects are overlapped YSTOUCH Two objects are touching YSSHAREPOINT Two objects are sharing more than one point YSAPART Two objects are apart REFERENCE:
NAME:YSRESULT NAME:YSOK NAME:YSERR DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSOK, YSERR } YSRESULT; DESCRIPTION: Macro represents No-error or error. If the function returnes YSRESULT, the function will return YSOK when no error, or will return YSERR when error occured. REFERENCE:
NAME:YSSIDE NAME:YSINSIDE, NAME:YSOUTSIDE, NAME:YSBOUNDARY, NAME:YSUNKNOWNSIDE DEFINITION: typedef enum { YSINSIDE, YSOUTSIDE, YSBOUNDARY, YSUNKNOWNSIDE } YSSIDE; DESCRIPTION: Macro represents inside,outside or on boundary. Inside/Outside checking functions will return one of YSINSIDE,YSOUTSIDE,YSBOUNDARY or YSUNKNOWNSIDE. Sometimes those calculation fails because of invalid geometry. Typical invalid geometry is self-intersection or twisted polygon. In such cases, a function will return YSUNKNOWNSIDE. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsAbs DEFINITION: #define YsAbs(A) ((A)>=0 ? (A) : -(A)) DESCRIPTION: Get an absolute value. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsArguments DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsArguments(int *AC,char *AV[],int MXAC,char SRC[]); RETURN: YSOK Successfully separated a string into arguments YSERR Failed DESCRIPTION: This function will separate an input string SRC into a sequence of command arguments. The string SRC is not conserved. This function cares double quote. Specify the length of AV to MXAC. Number of arguments will set to *AC. Arguments can be refered by AV[0...]. For example, char str[256]; strcpy(str,"My bicycle runs about Mach 0.03"); int ac; char *av[16]; YsArguments(&ac,av,16,str); This case, av[0] through av[5] will point to: av[0] -> "My" av[1] -> "bicycle" av[2] -> "runs" av[3] -> "about" av[4] -> "Mach" av[5] -> "0.03" The string str is not conserved. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsArray DEFINITION: template <class T> class YsArray DESCRIPTION: A template class to maintain an array. This function is considered better for small class T. If T is a large class, I recommend to use YsList. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsArray(); Constructor. Number of item is set to zero. YsArray(int NI,const T I[]); Constructor with setting number of items and items. YsArray(const YsArray <T> &FROM); Copy constructor. virtual ~YsArray(); Destructor. Allocated memory block is automatically deleted. YSRESULT Delete(int N); Delete (N+1)th item (Delete(0) to delete first element.) YSRESULT Insert(int N,const T &V); Insert an item. (N+1)th item through last item is shifted to the right. V is set to (N+1)th item. YSRESULT Resize(int NEWSIZE); Change the array size to NEWSIZE. Newly created items will not be initialized. And, if the size is reduced, (NEWSIZE+1)th item through last item will be discarded. YSRESULT Set(int NV,const T V[]); Set an array. Previous array is automatically discarded. If this function is called as Set(NV,NULL); the array of size NV is allocated, but not initialized. inline YSRESULT SetItem(int IDX,const T &ITEM) Set an item to an array. IDX must be: 0 <= IDX < NITEM {NITEM : The number of item contained in this array.} inline const int GetNumItem(void) const Get the number of item contained in this array. inline const T &v(int IDX) const inline const T &GetItem(int IDX) const Get an item in this array. IDX must be: 0 <= IDX < NITEM {NITEM : The number of item contained in this array.} inline const T *GetArray(void) const Get a pointer to the array. CAUTION:The pointer may become invalid after you added a new item to the array. YSRESULT AppendItem(const T &dat); Add an item to the end of this array. inline T *GetEditableArray(void) Get a non-const pointer to the array. (Application have to be careful to edit this array. But useful for sort operation etc.) inline T &GetEditableItem(int N) Get a non-const reference of (N+1)th item. OPERATOR: const YsArray <T> &operator=(const YsArray <T> &FROM); Copy operator from different array. You can use operator= safely. (As long as there're enough memory space.) const YsArray <T> &operator=(YsList <T> *FROM); Copy operator from a YsList class. This operator automatically converts a list object FROM into an array. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsAtt3 DESCRIPTION: Attitude class. An attitude is described with three angles which consists of Heading,Pitching and Bank angles. Or the other way to describe an attitude is use two vectors, forward vector and up vector. (Forward vector is also called as eye vector or viewing vector). The former is Euler angle representation, and the latter is vector representation. Using this class, you can go back and forth between Euler angle representation and vector representation. This capability has big power to control an attitude (eg. camera angle). This class will also calculate a rotation matrix corresponds to this attitude. This class is coordinate system dependent. The coordinate system model is specified by macro YSCOORDSYSMODEL and the global variable YsCoordSysModel. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsAtt3(); Constructor WITHOUT initialization YsAtt3(const double &H,const double &P,const double &B); Constructor WITH initialization. YsAtt3(const double &A); Constructor. Elements are initialized as h=p=b=A. inline double h(void) const Return heading angle. inline double p(void) const Return pitching angle inline double b(void) const Return bank angle void Set(double H,double P,double B); Set an attitude by Heading,Pitching and Bank angle. void SetH(double H); Set Heading angle only. void SetP(double P); Set Pitching angle only. void SetB(double B); Set Bank anle only. YsVec3 GetForwardVector(void) const; Get Forward Vector. YsVec3 GetUpVector(void) const; Get Up Vector. YSRESULT SetTwoVector(const YsVec3 &FWD,const YsVec3 &UP); Set an attitude by forward vector and up vector. YSRESULT SetForwardVector(const YsVec3 &VEC); Set an attitude by foward vector only. Can specify Heading and Pitching angles only. Bank angle will become zero. YSRESULT SetUpVector(const YsVec3 &VEC); Modify the attitude by up vector. This function will affect Bank angle only. (This function just modify Bank angle. It is available after Heading and Pitching angles are set). void NoseUp(double D); Nose up by the angle of d. (Imagine that you are pulling a joystick of an airplane). Nose down to specify d as negative value. void YawLeft(double D); Turn Left by the angle of d. (Imagine that you are applying left rudder of an airplane). Turn right to specify d as negative value. const YsMatrix4x4 &GetMatrix(void) const; Get an matrix corresponds to this attitude. (This matrix will transform a YsVec3 from local coordinate system to global coordinate system. If you have to convert from global coordinate system to local coordinate system, take inverse matrix.) OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsBlendShell DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsBlendShell (YsShell &NEWSHELL, const YsShell &SH0, const YsShell &SH1, YSBOOLEANOPERATION BOOL=YSBOOLBLEND); RETURN: YSOK Successfully blended YSERR Failed DESCRIPTION: This function blends two shells, SH0 and SH1. Not only blending, this function also can perform boolean operations, OR(UNION), MINUS(DIFFERENCE) and AND(INTERSECTION). You can specify the type of boolean operation by the parameter BOOL. The value of BOOL can be chosen from: YSBOOLBLEND YSBOOLAND YSBOOLOR YSBOOLMINUS YSBOOLBLEND just blends two shells. All intersecting polygons are slashed along intersecting lines. YSBOOLAND takes the intersecting part of two shells. YSBOOLOR adds two shells into one shell. All unnecessary polygons ,those are inside the new shell, are eliminated. YSBOOLMINUS will subtract SH1 from SH0. All operations other than YSBOOLBLEND does not work if one or both of two shells are not solid. The result is set to NEWSHELL. This function does not inherit freeAttributes of SH0 and Sh1 to NEWSHELL. Instead, you can know which polygons/vertices are come from which shell by refering to freeAttributes. YsShellPolygon in NEWSHELL has following attributes. freeAttribute0 zero freeAttribute1 zero freeAttribute2 Which shell it is from freeAttribute3 Id in the original shell freeAttribute4 Id in the original shell(if overlapping polygon) If freeAttribute2 is 0, this polygon is from SH0. If freeAttribute2 is 1, this polygon is from SH1. Polygon ID in the original shell (SH0 or Sh1) is retrieved by freeAttribute3. Or, if freeAttribute2 is 2, this polygon is from both. This case (freeAttribute2=2) is a special case. This case occurs when one or more polygons were overlapping with the other shell's polygon. The polygon of freeAttribute2=2 was ID=freeAttribute3 in SH0, ID=freeAttribute4 in SH1. YsShellVertex in NEWSHELL has following attributes. freeAttribute0 zero freeAttribute1 zero freeAttribute2 Which shell it is from freeAttribute3 Id in the original shell (Negative means newly created) freeAttribute4 zero If freeAttribute2 is 0, this vertex is from SH0. If freeAttribute2 is 1, this vertex is from SH1. Vertex ID in the original shell (SH0 or Sh1) is retrieved by freeAttribute3. If this vertex is a newly created vertex, freeAttribute3 is a negative value. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsBound DEFINITION: #define YsBound(X,A,B) ((X)<(A) ? (A) : ((X)>(B) ? (B) : (X))) DESCRIPTION: If X is between A and B, return X. If X is smaller than A, return A. If X is greater than B, return B. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsBoundingBoxMaker2 DESCRIPTION: A class to make a bounding box. You can tell the vertices list to this class one by one, by an array or by a list of vertices. Making a bounding box is a simple program. But, if there are some bug inside the bounding box making function, many other part are affected. And, since the bounding box making function is simple, it is suspected at last. Resulting huge amount of time wasted. You can use this class instead of writing your bounding box making function. MEMBERFUNCTION: void Begin(const YsVec2 &VEC); void Add(const YsVec2 &VEC); Add vertices one by one. First, use Begin() to begin adding vertices. Then use Add(). void Make(int NV,const YsVec2 V[]); Make a bounding box from vertices. NV is number of vertices. V[] are vertices of interest. void Make(YsList <YsVec2> *LST); Make a bounding box from a list of vertices. void Make(const YsArray <YsVec2> &ARY); Make a bounding box from an array of vertices. void Get(YsVec2 &min,YsVec2 &MAX) const; Get the result. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsBoundingBoxMaker3 DESCRIPTION: A class to make a bounding box. You can tell the vertices list to this class one by one, by an array or by a list of vertices. Making a bounding box is a simple program. But, if there are some bug inside the bounding box making function, many other part are affected. And, since the bounding box making function is simple, it is suspected at last. Resulting huge amount of time wasted. You can use this class instead of writing your bounding box making function. MEMBERFUNCTION: void Begin(const YsVec3 &VEC); void Add(const YsVec3 &VEC); Add vertices one by one. First, use Begin() to begin adding vertices. Then use Add(). void Make(int NV,const YsVec3 V[]); Make a bounding box from vertices. NV is number of vertices. V[] are vertices of interest. void Make(YsList <YsVec3> *LST); Make a bounding box from a list of vertices. void Make(const YsArray <YsVec3> &ARY); Make a bounding box from an array of vertices. void Get(YsVec3 &min,YsVec3 &MAX) const; Get the result. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCapitalize DEFINITION: void YsCapitalize(char l[]); DESCRIPTION: Convert all alphabetical letters into capital letter. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckBoundingBoxCollision2 NAME:YsCheckBoundingBoxCollision3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckBoundingBoxCollision3 (const YsVec3 &MIN1,const YsVec3 &MAX1,const YsVec3 &MIN2,const YsVec3 &MAX2) YSBOOL YsCheckBoundingBoxCollision2 (const YsVec2 &MIN1,const YsVec2 &MAX1,const YsVec2 &MIN2,const YsVec2 &MAX2) RETURN: YSTRUE Two bounding boxes are colliding YSFALSE Two bounding boxes are not colliding DESCRIPTION: Check if two bounding boxes defined by (MIN1,MAX1) is colliding with the other bounding box defined by (MIN2,MAX2). REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckConvex2 NAME:YsCheckConvex3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckConvex2(int NP,const YsVec2 P[],YSBOOL STRICTCHECK=YSFALSE); YSBOOL YsCheckConvex3(int NP,const YsVec3 P[],YSBOOL STRICTCHECK=YSFALSE); RETURN: YSTRUE The polygon is convex. YSFALSE The polygon is concave. DESCRIPTION: This function checks if the polygon (NP,P) is convex or not. The polygon is convex if: Condition 1. Pick up 3 conseqtive vertices v1,v2,v3. Let's say e1=e2-v1 and e2=v3-v1 Calculate the outer product (cross product) of e1 and e2. The result is pv. pv=e1^c2 For convex polygon, pv for all 3 conseqtive vertices must have same direction. (Neglecting the vertex that is an intermediate point of the straight edge) Condition 2. Every combination of two vertices is separatable pair, except conseqtive vertices. This condition automatically includes no edges are intersecting each other. (Neglecting the vertex that is an intermediate point of the straight edge) By default, YsCheckConvex2 and YsCheckConvex3 does NOT perform the condition 2 by default. (It means, these functions assumes there are no self intersection). If you need strict check, you can specify YSTRUE for the parameter STRICTCHECK. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckConvexByAngle2 NAME:YsCheckConvexByAngle3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsQuickCheckConvex2(int NP,const YsVec2 P[]); YSBOOL YsQuickCheckConvex3(int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); RETURN: YSTRUE The polygon is convex. YSFALSE The polygon is concave. DESCRIPTION: Check if a polygon (NP,P[]) is convex or concave just angle criteria. This function does not check self-intersection. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckFlipDirection2 NAME:YsCheckFlipDirection3 DEFINITION: YSFLIPDIRECTION YsCheckFlipDirection2 (int NP,const YsVec2 P[]); YSFLIPDIRECTION YsCheckFlipDirection3 (int NP,const YsVec3 P[],const YsVec3 &N); RETURN: YSFLIPCCW Counter clockwise YSFLIPCW Clockwise YSFLIPUNKNOWN Failed to calculate DESCRIPTION: Check the flip direction of the polygon (for 3D case, with respect to the normal vector). YsCheckFlipDirection3 is coordinate system dependent. (See YsCoordSysModel and YSCOORDSYSMODEL for more information) MEMBERFUNCTION: OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckInBetween2 NAME:YsCheckInBetween3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckInBetween2(const YsVec2 &Q,const YsVec2 &P1,const YsVec2 &P2); YSBOOL YsCheckInBetween3(const YsVec3 &Q,const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2); RETURN: YSTRUE if Q is between P1 and P2 YSFALSE if Q is not between P1 and P2 DESCRIPTION: Check if Q is between P1 and P2 or not. The point Q does not have to be exactly on the line segment P1 and P2. The point Q is considered between P1 and P2 if Q is in between the plane (or line) that: 1.Has P1 as passing point and parpendicular to the line segment and 2.Has P2 as passing point and parpendicular to the line segment REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckInsideBoundingBox2 NAME:YsCheckInsideBoundingBox3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckInsideBoundingBox3 (const YsVec3 &REF,const YsVec3 &MIN,const YsVec3 &MAX); YSBOOL YsCheckInsideBoundingBox2 (const YsVec2 &REF,const YsVec2 &MIN,const YsVec2 &MAX); RETURN: YSTRUE REF is inside or boundary of the bounding box YSFALSE REF is outside the bounding box DESCRIPTION: Check if point REF is inside or boundary of the bounding box. The bounding box is specified by MIN and MAX. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckInsidePolygon2 NAME:YsCheckInsidePolygon3 DEFINITION: YSSIDE YsCheckInsidePolygon2(const YsVec2 &REF,int NP,const YsVec2 P[]); YSSIDE YsCheckInsidePolygon3(const YsVec3 &REF,int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); RETURN: YSINSIDE The point of interest is inside the polygon YSOUTSIDE The point of interest is outside the polygon YSBOUNDARY The point of interest is on the boundary of the polygon YSUNKNOWNSIDE Calculation failed. DESCRIPTION: Check if the point REF is inside the polygon (NP,P). If the polygon is too much twisted (not exactly on a plane, or on a single line or having zero area), the result will be YSUNKNOWNSIDE. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckLineOverlap2 NAME:YsCheckLineOverlap3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckLineOverlap2 (const YsVec2 &O1,const YsVec2 &V1,const YsVec2 &O2,const YsVec2 &V2); YSBOOL YsCheckLineOverlap3 (const YsVec3 &O1,const YsVec3 &V1,const YsVec3 &O2,const YsVec3 &V2) RETURN: YSTRUE Two lines are identical YSFALSE Two lines are not on the same line DESCRIPTION: Check if two lines (O1,V1) and (O2,V2) are identical (lying on the same straight line). REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckSeparatability2 NAME:YsCheckSeparatability3 DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckSeparatability2(int NP,const YsVec2 P[],int IDX1,int IDX2); YSBOOL YsCheckSeparatability3(int NP,const YsVec3 P[],int IDX1,int IDX2); RETURN: YSTRUE The polygon is saparatable by a new edge P[IDX1] and P[IDX2]. YSFALSE The polygon is not saparatable by a new edge P[IDX1] and P[IDX2]. DESCRIPTION: Check if the polygon is separatable by a new edge P[IDX] and P[IDX2] by the criteria: 1.A line segment defined by P[IDX1] and P[IDX2] does not penetrate with any other edge that does not contain P[IDX1] and P[IDX2]. 2.The center of line segment P[IDX1],P[IDX2] is inside the polygon. In 3D case, YsCheckSeparatability3 is a slow function. It is recommended to transform all points into 2D plane by YsGetPolygonProjectionMatrix, then use YsCheckSeparatability2 function. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCheckShellCollision DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsCheckShellCollision(YsShell &SH0,YsShell &SH1); RETURN: YSTRUE Two shells are colliding YSFALSE Two shells are not colliding DESCRIPTION: Check collision between two shells. For performance reason, THIS FUNCTION USES freeAttribute3 of polygons in both shells. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCollisionOfPolygon DESCRIPTION: A class to check collision of two polygons. To use this class, you have to set two polygons using SetPolygon1 and SetPolygon2 member functions. After setting two polygons, you can call other functions. MEMBERFUNCTION: void SetPolygon1(int NV1,const YsVec3 V1[]); void SetPolygon2(int NV2,const YsVec3 V2[]); Set polygons of interest. YSBOOL YsCollisionOfPolygon::CheckOnTheSamePlane(void) const; This function returns YSTRUE if two polygons are on the same plane. otherwise, this function will return YSFALSE. YSBOOL CheckCollision(void) const; This function returns YSTRUE if two polygons are intersecting or touching more than one point. Otherwise, this function will return YSFALSE. YSINTERSECTION CheckPenetration(void) const; This function returns YSTRUE if two polygons are penetrating each other. This function is identical to YsGetPolygonPenetration. Please refer to YsGetPolygonPenetration for the detail. YSBOOL OneEdgeLiesOnTheOtherPlane(void) const; This function returns YSTRUE if at least one edge is touching to the other polygon. Otherwise, this function will return YSFALSE. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsColor DEFINITION: class YsColor; DESCRIPTION: Color class. MEMBERFUNCTION: void Set(int C15BIT); Set a color by 15 bit color. (GGGGGRRRRRBBBBB). void Set(int R,int G,int B); Set a color. R,G and B must be between 0 to 255. void Set(double r,double g,double b); Set a color. R,G and B must be between 0.0 to 1.0. int Get15BitColor(void); Get a color by 15 bit color. void GetIntRGB(int &r,int &g,int &b); Get a color by int. (0 to 255 for each component); void GetDoubleRGB(double &r,double &g,double &b); Get a color by double. (0.0 to 1.0 for each component); double Rd(void); double Gd(void); double Bd(void); int Ri(void); int Gi(void); int Bi(void); Retrieve RGB value by double {Rd,Gd,Bd:0.0 to 1.0}, or by int {Ri,Gi,Bi:0 to 255} REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCommandNumber DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsCommandNumber(int *N,char C[],char *LST[]); RETURN: YSOK The command was in the command list YSERR The command was not in the command list DESCRIPTION: Find a command id of the command C with respect to the command list LST. The command id will be set to *N. The command list LST must be terminated by NULL. For example, char str[256]; strcpy(str,"VERTEX"); char *lst[]= { "POLYGON", "VERTEX", "END", NULL }; int id; YsCommandNumber(&id,str,lst); Then, id will become 1. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsCoordSysModel DEFINITION: extern YSCOORDSYSMODEL YsCoordSysModel; DESCRIPTION: A global variable representing the coordinate system model. Initial value is YSLEFT_ZPLUS_YPLUS. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsDegToRad NAME:YsRadToDeg DEFINITION: inline double YsDegToRad(double DEG) { return DEG*YsPi/180.0; } inline double YsRadToDeg(double RAD) { return RAD*180.0/YsPi; } DESCRIPTION: YsDegToRad converts an angle from degree to radian. YsRadToDeg converts an angle from radian to degree. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsDrawLineByDDA DESCRIPTION: This class helps drawing a line on a pixel map usint DDA (Digital Differential Analysis) method. DDA is a quick way to trace pixels on the line one pixel by one pixel. MEMBERFUNCTION: void Set(int x1,int y1,int x2,int y2); Set both end point of the line segment. YSRESULT MoveOneStep(void); Move one pixel. void GetPosition(int &x,int &y); Get current position. YSBOOL ReachedToTheEnd(void); This function will return YSTRUE if the point reached to the end. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsE DEFINITION: const double YsE=2.71828; DESCRIPTION: Natural log REFERENCE:
NAME:YsEqual DEFINITION: #define YsEqual(A,B) (YsAbs(A-B)<=YsTolerance ? YSTRUE : YSFALSE) DESCRIPTION: Check if A equals to B. If the difference is less than YsTolerance, this macro will return YSTRUE. Otherwise YSFALSE. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsFileExist DEFINITION: YSBOOL YsFileExist(char FN[]); RETURN: YSTRUE The file FN exists. YSFALSE The file FN does not exist. DESCRIPTION: Check if the file FN exists. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsFileSize DEFINITION: unsigned long YsFileSize(char FNAME[]); RETURN: File size in bytes. DESCRIPTION: This function will return the length of the file FNAME in bytes. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetArbitraryInsidePointOfPolygon2 NAME:YsGetArbitraryInsidePointOfPolygon3 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetArbitraryInsidePointOfPolygon2 (YsVec2 &A,int NP,const YsVec2 P[],YSBOOL STRICTCHECKOFCONVEXITY=YSFALSE); YSRESULT YsGetArbitraryInsidePointOfPolygon3 (YsVec3 &A,int NP,const YsVec3 P[],YSBOOL STRICTCHECKOFCONVEXITY=YSFALSE); RETURN: YSOK Found one inside point YSERR Could not find a inside point DESCRIPTION: Find an arbitrary inside point of the polygon. The polygon must be set to (NP,P). The result is set to A. If the function failed to find an inside point, the function return YSERR. If the polygon is convex, this function will return the center of gravity of the polygon. The polygon's convexity is checked by YsCheckConvex2 and YsCheckConvex3. The parameter STRICTCHECKCONVEXITY is passed to YsCheckConvex2 and YsCheckConvec3. Please refer to YsCheckConvex2 and YsCheckConvex3 for the details. (By default, STRICTCHECKCONVEXITY is YSFALSE) REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetAverageNormalVector DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetAverageNormalVector(YsVec3 &NOM,int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); DESCRIPTION: Find an average normal vector based on a triangle calculated by YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2 or YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon3 If the coordinate system is left hand, the polygon will be counter clockwise with respect to the normal. If the coordinate system is right hand, the polygon will be clockwise with respect to the normal. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetCenterOfPolygon2 NAME:YsGetCenterOfPolygon3 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetCenterOfPolygon2(YsVec2 &CEN,int NP,const YsVec2 PLG[]); YSRESULT YsGetCenterOfPolygon3(YsVec3 &CEN,int NP,const YsVec3 PLG[]); RETURN: YSOK Successfully calculated YSERR Calculation failed DESCRIPTION: Find a center of the polygon based on the largest triangle calculated by YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2/3. Note that, it is different from the center of gravity. MEMBERFUNCTION: OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon3 NAME:YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon3 NAME:YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2 NAME:YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon3 (YsVec3 *V[3],int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); YSRESULT YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon3 (const YsVec3 V[3],int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); YSRESULT YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2 (YsVec2 *V[3],int NP,const YsVec2 P[]); YSRESULT YsGetLargestTriangleFromPolygon2 (const YsVec2 V[3],int NP,const YsVec2 P[]); DESCRIPTION: Get the largest triangle that is made by a combination of 3 vertices of (NP,P[]). REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetLineIntersection2 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetLineIntersection2 (YsVec2 &CRS, const YsVec2 &P1,const YsVec2 &P2,const YsVec2 &Q1,const YsVec2 &Q2); RETURN: YSOK Two lines are intersecting YSERR Two lines are parallel or identical. DESCRIPTION: Get an intersecting point of a line segment P1,P2 and a line segment Q1,Q2. If you want to get a nearest point of two 3D lines, use YsGetNearestPointOfTwoLine. If the point must be in between line segment, you can use YsCheckInBetween2 function after finding a intersection. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetLinePenetration2 NAME:YsGetLinePenetration3 DEFINITION: YSINTERSECTION YsGetLinePenetration2 (const YsVec2 &P1,const YsVec2 &P2,const YsVec2 &P3,const YsVec2 &P4); YSINTERSECTION YsGetLinePenetration3 (const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &Q1,const YsVec3 &Q2); RETURN: YSINTERSECT Two lines are penetrating YSOVERLAP Two lines are overlapped YSTOUCH Two lines are touching YSSHAREPOINT Two lines are sharing more than one point YSAPART Two lines are apart DESCRIPTION: Find penetrating point between two lines (P1,P2) and (P3,P4). In 3D case, YsGetLinePenetration3 will use nearest point between two lines, instead of exact intersecting point. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetNearestPointOfTwoLine DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetNearestPointOfTwoLine (YsVec3 &NP,YsVec3 &NQ, const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &Q1,const YsVec3 &Q2); RETURN: YSOK Successfully calculated YSERR Calculation failed. (Two lines are parrarel or identical). DESCRIPTION: Find a nearest point of two 3D line defined by (P1,P2) and (Q1,Q2). The result will be set to NP and NQ. This function is also used to find a intersecting points of two 3D lines. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetNearestPointOnLine2 NAME:YsGetNearestPointOnLine3 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetNearestPointOnLine3 (YsVec3 &NP,const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &REF); YSRESULT YsGetNearestPointOnLine2 (YsVec3 &NP,const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &REF); RETURN: YSOK Success YSERR Calculation failed DESCRIPTION: Find a point that is on the line defined by (P1,P2) and that is closest to REF. The result will be set to NP. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetPolygonPenetration DEFINITION: YSINTERSECTION YsGetPolygonPenetration (int NP,const YsVec3 P[],int NQ,const YsVec3 Q[]); RETURN: YSINTERSECT Two objects are penetrating YSOVERLAP Two objects are overlapped YSTOUCH Two objects are touching YSAPART Two objects are apart DESCRIPTION: This function will check if two polygons (NP,P) and (NQ,Q) are penetrating each other. This function will return: YSINTERSECT If one edge is penetrating the other polygon. Or, two polygons are touching at more than two points. (* Note: for concave polygon, this condition can be satisfied even two polygons are just touching). YSOVERLAP Two polygons are on the same plane. YSTOUCH Two polygons are touching to each other at only one point. YSAPART Two polygons are apart from each other. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetPolygonProjectionMatrix DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetPolygonProjectionMatrix (YsMatrix4x4 &MAT,int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); RETURN: YSOK Success YSERR Feiled DESCRIPTION: This function calculates the matrix that transfers points on a plane into XY plane. Flip direction will be inverted in left-hand coordinate system. The matrix works so that the center of the polygon will come to origin, and the average normal vector will become (0,0,1). REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetTriangleArea3 NAME:YsGetTriangleArea2 DEFINITION: double YsGetTriangleArea3(const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &P3) double YsGetTriangleArea2(const YsVec2 &P1,const YsVec2 &P2,const YsVec2 &P3) DESCRIPTION: Get an area of the triangle defined by cootdinate P1,P2 and P3. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGetTwoPlaneCrossLine DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsGetTwoPlaneCrossLine (YsVec3 &LNORG,YsVec3 &LNVEC,const YsPlane &PL1,const YsPlane &PL2); RETURN: YSOK Successfully calculated YSERR Two planes are parallel or identical. DESCRIPTION: Find a line that two planes are intersecting. This function will return one passing point to LNORG and return a direction to LNVEC. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsGreater DEFINITION: #define YsGreater(A,B) ((A)>(B) ? (A) : (B)) DESCRIPTION: Macro returns larger one of A and B. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsList DEFINITION: template <class T> class YsList DESCRIPTION: A template class to maintain a list. You have direct access to the item by refering to a member variable {dat}. The top object in the list represents entire list. When you finished editing the list, it is recommended to call a member function Encache() to speed up future access to the list object. MEMBERVARIABLE: T dat; An item kept in the list. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsList(); When an instance is created, it is a complete list with only one list object. inline YsList <T> *Next(void); inline const YsList <T> *Next(void) const; Get a pointer to next list object. If there's no more next object, this will return NULL. inline YsList <T> *Prev(void); inline const YsList <T> *Prev(void) const; Get a pointer to previous list object. If there's no more previous object, this will return NULL. inline YsList <T> *SeekTop(void); inline const YsList <T> *SeekTop(void) const; Get a pointer to the top object of the list. inline YsList <T> *SeekEnd(void); inline const YsList <T> *SeekEnd(void) const; Get a pointer to the last object of the list. inline YsList <T> *Seek(int N); inline const YsList <T> *Seek(int N) const; Get a pointer to the Nth object of the list. YSBOOL IsTop(void) const; If this object is the top object, this will return YSTRUE. Otherwise this will return YSFALSE. YSBOOL IsEnd(void) const; If this object is the last object, this will return YSTRUE. Otherwise this will return YSFALSE. int GetNumObject(void) const; Get the number of list object in this list. // {a0,a1,a2,...,aN)} // return N+1; int GetPositionInList(void) const; Get the position of this list object in this list. If the object is Nth object, this function will return N. (N begin with zero). If this pointer is NULL, this function will return -1. // {a0,a1,a2,...,(this=an),...,(aN)} // return n; // If called by NULL pointer, // return -1; YsList <T> *Append(YsList <T> *follow); Add a list object to the end. Then return a pointer to the list. This function returnes a pointer to the list because, an empty list (NULL) plus a newly created object is not an empty list (not NULL). So the top member will change. // {(this==a0),(a1),...,(aN)} // + // {(follow==b0),(b1),...,(bN)} // to // return {(a0),(a1),...,(aN),(b0),(b1),...,(bN)} Eg. YsList <int> *lst; lst=NULL; // Empty list is created. for(something) { YsList <int> *toAppend; toAppend=new YsList <int> // Create a new list object. toAppend->dat=something; lst=lst->Append(toAppend); // New object is appended to the list. } YsList <T> *DeleteFromList(void); Delete this object from the list. This function will return a pointer to the list (same as a pointer to the top object) after deleting, because the pointer to the list must change, if this object was a top object. // {(a0),(a1),(a2),...,(a n-1),(an=this),(a n+1),...,(aN)} // to // return {(a0),(a1),(a2),...,(a n-1),(a n+1),...,(aN)} Eg. lst=obj->DeleteFromList(); YsList <T> *Delete(int N); Delete Nth object in the list. (N begin with zero). This function will return a pointer to the list after deleting. // {(this=a0),(a1),(a2),...,(a n-1),(an),(a n+1),...,(aN)} // to // return {(a0),(a1),(a2),...,(a n-1),(a n+1),...,(aN)} YSRESULT DeleteList(void); Delete entire list. This function must be used by only top object. YsList <T> *Insert(int N,YsList <T> *TOINSERT); Insert a list TOINSERT between N-1th and Nth object, then returns a pointer to a new list. After this function, TOINSERT is no longer a independent list. // {(this=a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(an),...,(aN)} // {(toInsert=b0),(b1),(b2),....,(bN)} // to // return {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(b0),...,(bN),(an),...,(aN)} // // if this==NULL // return toInsert; YsList <T> *InsertOnTheLeft(YsList <T> *TOINSERT); Insert a list TOINSERT between this object and the previous object, then return a pointer to a new list. // {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(an=this),(a n+1),...,(aN)} // to // {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),{toInsert},(an=this),(a n+1),...,(aN)} YsList <T> *InsertOnTheRight(YsList <T> *TOINSERT); Insert a list TOINSERT between this object and the next object, then return a pointer to a new list. // {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(an=this),(a n+1),...,(aN)} // to // {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(an=this),{toInsert},(a n+1),...,(aN)} YsList <T> *Split(YsList <T> *SPLITPOINT); Split a list at SPLITPOINT. After this function, the pointer SPLITPOINT can be used as a independent list. This function will return the pointer to remaining part of the original list. Eg. lst=lst->Split(split); (At this point, lst and split can be used as a independent list). // {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1),(an=splitPoint),...,(aN)} // to // return {(a0),(a1),...,(a n-1)} // // {(an=splitPoint),...,(aN)} can be used as an independent list. YsList <T> *Duplicate(void) const; This function will duplicate the list and return the pointer to the duplicated list. If the class T's operator= is not properly written, the result is unexpected. void Test(void) const; Diagnostic itself. void Encache(void) const; Re-calculate a cache buffer to speed up accessing list objects. Cache buffer is cleared when the list is modified. void Decache(void) const; Clear the cache buffer. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsMath DESCRIPTION: Base class of some math class. You don't have to worry about this class. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsMatrix DESCRIPTION: General n*m matrix class. Row and column begins with 1, NOT zero. If you want to retrieve left top element, use v(1,1). MEMBERFUNCTION: inline double v(int ROW,int COLUMN) const; Get an element at (ROW,COLUMN). inline int nr(void) const Get number of rows. inline int nc(void) const Get number of columns. inline YSRESULT Set(int ROW,int COLUMN,double V); Set an element at (ROW,COLUMN) to the value of V. void Create(int NR,int NC); Create a matrix of NR*NC. All elements are initialized to zero. void Create(int NR,int NC,double D[]); Create a matrix of NR*NC. Elements are initialized by D[]. (1,1) <- D[0] (1,2) <- D[2] (1,3) <- D[3] : (2,1) <- D[NC] (r,c) <- D[NC*(r-1)+(c-1)] void CreateWithoutClear(int NR,int NC); Create a matrix of NR*NC. All elements are NOT initialized. void LoadIdentity(void); Set an identity matrix. YSRESULT GetSubMatrix(YsMatrix &MAT,int R,int C) const; Get a submatrix. A submatrix is a matrix that is made by eliminating row R and column C from the original matrix. The resulting matrix is set to MAT. YSRESULT GetDeterminantMatrix(YsMatrix &MAT) const; Get a determinant matrix. YSRESULT GetDeterminant(double &DET) const; Get a determinant. If the matrix is not n*n matrix, this function will return YSERR. YSRESULT Transpose(void); Transpose the matrix. YSRESULT Invert(void); Invert the matrix. If inverse matrix is not available, this function will return YSERR. YSRESULT SwapRow(int R1,int R2); Swap row R1 and R2. YSRESULT MulRow(int R,double M); Multiply each elements contained in row R by the factor of M. YSRESULT DivRow(int R,double D); Divide each elements contained in row R by the factor of M. YSRESULT Row1MinusRow2Mul(int R1,int R2,double M); Subtract each element contained in row R1 by the elements in row R2 times M. OPERATOR: const YsMatrix &operator=(const YsMatrix &); Copy the matrix. inline const YsMatrix &operator*(const YsMatrix &A,const YsMatrix &B) Multiply matrices. inline const YsMatrix &operator+(const YsMatrix &A,const YsMatrix &B) Add matrices. inline const YsMatrix &operator-(const YsMatrix &A,const YsMatrix &B) Subtract matrices. inline const YsMatrix &operator-(const YsMatrix &A) Return a negative of A. inline const YsMatrix &operator^(const YsMatrix &A,const YsMatrix &B) Calculate an outer product (cross product) of A and B. A and B must be n*1 matarices. inline const YsMatrix &operator*(const YsMatrix &A,double B) inline const YsMatrix &operator*(double B,const YsMatrix &A) Return a matrix A*B. inline const YsMatrix &operator/(const YsMatrix &A,double B) Return a matrix A/B. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsMatrix4x4 DESCRIPTION: 4x4 matrix class. Row and column begin with 1, NOT zero. So, if you want to get top-left element, use v(1,1). Or to get bottom-right element, use v(4,4) MEMBERFUNCTION: inline YsMatrix4x4(); Constructor WITHOUT initialization. To initialize (to identity matrix), use Initialize(). inline double v(int R,int C) const Get a value of an element at (Row=R,Column=C). void Initialize(void); Load the identity matrix. void RotateZY(double A); Multiply a matrix of rotation in Z-Y plane by an angle of A. void RotateXZ(double A); Multiply a matrix of rotation in X-Z plane by an angle of A. void RotateXY(double A); Multiply a matrix of rotation in X-Y plane by an angle of A. void Rotate(double X,double Y,double Z,double ANG); Multiply a matrix of rotation about (X,Y,Z) by the angle of ANG. void Rotate(const YsRotation &ROT); Multiply a matrix of rotation ROT. void Rotate(const YsAtt3 &ATT); Multiply a matrix of rotation ATT. (Local to global rotation). void Translate(double X,double Y,double Z); Multiply a matrix of translation (X,Y,Z); void Translate(const YsVec3 &VEC); Multiply a matrix of translation by VEC. void Scale(double SX,double SY,double SZ); Multiply a matrix of scaling in x,y and z component. newX=oldX*SX newY=oldY*SY newZ=oldZ*SZ void Scale(const YsVec3 &SCA); Multiply a matrix of scaling in x,y and z component. newX=oldX*SCA.x() newY=oldY*SCA.y() newZ=oldZ*SCA.z() void Mul(double RESULT[4],const double VEC[4]) const; void Mul(YsVec3 &RESULT,const YsVec3 &VEC,double TRANSLATE) const; Multiply this matrix and VEC. The result will be set to RESULT. If VEC[3]==1.0 or TRANSLATE==1.0, the vector is rotated and translated. If VEC[3]==0.0 or TRANSLATE==0.0, the vector is rotated but is not translated. void MulInverse(double RESULT[4],const double VEC[4]) const; void MulInverse(YsVec3 &RESULT,const YsVec3 &ORG,double TRANSLATE) const; Multiply inverse matrix of this matrix and VEC. The result will be set to RESULT. If VEC[3]==1.0 or TRANSLATE==1.0, the vector is rotated and translated. If VEC[3]==0.0 or TRANSLATE==0.0, the vector is rotated but is not translated. YSRESULT Invert(void); Invert this matrix. If the inverse matrix is valid (means the matrix is not singular), this function will return YSOK, otherwise return YSERR. void GetArray(double BUF[16]) const; Copy elements to buf. Row,Column 1 1 to BUF[0] 1 2 to BUF[1] 1 3 to BUF[2] 1 4 to BUF[3] 2 1 to BUF[4] 2 2 to BUF[5] : YSRESULT GetInverseArray(double BUF[16]) const; Get the inversed matrix value to BUF. Order of the element is same as GetArray function. If the inverse matrix is valid (means the matrix is not singular), this function will return YSOK, otherwise return YSERR. YSRESULT GetRotation(double &X,double &Y,double &Z,double &RAD) const; YSRESULT GetRotation(YsRotation &ROT) const; Extract a rotation from this matrix. YSRESULT GetTranslation(double &X,double &Y,double &Z) const; YSRESULT GetTranslation(YsVec3 &TRS) const; Extract a translation from this matrix. const double *GetArray(void) const; Get OpenGL compatible 4x4 array. (You can pass it to glMultMatrixd); const double *GetInverseArray(void) const; Get OpenGL compatible 4x4 array of inverse matrix. OPERATOR: const YsMatrix4x4 &operator=(const YsMatrix &M); Convert matrix from YsMatrix class. YsMatrix &M must be either 3x3 or 4x4 matrix. friend YsMatrix4x4 operator*(const YsMatrix4x4 &A,const YsMatrix4x4 &B); Multiply A and B. And return the resultant. friend YsVec3 operator*(const YsMatrix4x4 &A,const YsVec3 &B); Multiply A and B. And return the resultant. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsOneMemoryBlock DEFINITION: template <class T,const int minimum> class YsOneMemoryBlock DESCRIPTION: If you want to use an array in a function, and the side of the array is usually less than some value but unbounded, you may tend to use new and delete operator. For example, let's say you want to have an array to keep vertices of a polygon. Typically, the number of vertices of a polygon is less than 64. Even mostly 3 or 4. But, it could be more than 256 vertices. But, new/delete operator (also malloc/free function) are extre----mly slow function. (Regardless of which operating system you are using, Win or UNIX). They are functions which you may want to avoid as much as possible to improve the performance. One more problem using new/delete is memory leak. If you forget deleting the memory block, your program will run out of memory, then crash some time. Typically, void Someclass::function(void) { int n; YsVec3 *vec; n=GetNumberOfVertices(); vec=new YsVec3[n]; GetVertices(vec); DoSomething(); if(Error Occured) { // Stop everything. It's an emergency. return; } DoSomethingElse(); delete [] vec; return; // Happy! } You may notice if(Erro Occured), vec is not deleted. This class will allow you to stop worrying about these performance problems and memory leaks. Instead of writing like, int *vec; vec=new int[requiredSize]; write as follows. YsOneMemoryBlock <int,256> memBlock; int *vec; vec=memBlock.GetMemoryBlock(requiredSize); You must specify 256 as a typical safe size of the array. YsOneMemoryBlock class hold this size of array by default. It is obtained from stack area, no performance loss. So, you must not specify huge number here. This must be a reasonable number. When GetMemoryBlock function is called, if requiredSize is less than typical safe size, YsOneMemoryBlock class just returnes an array that is kept inside the class. Otherwise, this class just establish operator new to allocate a new memory block. If requiredSize is usually less than typical safe size, operator new is rarely used. Very little performance loss. And even if YsOneMemoryBlock class used operator new, the memory block is automatically released in the destructor of YsOneMemoryBlock. So, no memory leak. Note that, this class is only for a local array. The array allocated by this class is automatically deleted when the function exits. MEMBERFUNCTION: T *GetMemoryBlock(int requiredSize); Get Memory Block. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsPi DEFINITION: const double YsPi=3.14159265358979323; DESCRIPTION: PI. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsPlane DESCRIPTION: A class represents a plane. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsPlane(); Constructor WITHOUT initialization. YsPlane(const YsVec3 &O,const YsVec3 &N); Constructor with initialization. Specify one passing point or origin by O, normal vector by N. inline void Set(const YsVec3 &O,const YsVec3 &N) Set origin O and normal vector N. inline void SetOrigin(const YsVec3 &O) Set origin (one passing point of the plane). inline void SetNormal(const YsVec3 &N) Set normal vector. inline void GetOrigin(YsVec3 &O) const Get origin. inline void GetNormal(YsVec3 &N) const Get normal vector. YSBOOL CheckOnPlane(const YsVec3 &POS) const; If POS is on the plane, return YSTRUE. Otherwise return YSFALSE. YSRESULT GetIntersection (YsVec3 &CRS,const YsVec3 &LNORG,const YsVec3 &LNVEC); Calculate an intersecting point between a line and the plane. The line is specified by originating point LNORG and the direction LNVEC. Intersecting point is returned to CRS. If the line intersects the plane, this function will return YSTRUE, otherwise return YSFALSE. (No intersection means the line is parallel to or on the plane.) YSRESULT GetPenetration (YsVec3 &CRS,const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2) const; Calculate a penetrating point between a line segment and the plane. The line is specified by two end points, P1 and P2. Penetrating point is returned to CRS. If the line segment penetrates the plane this function will return YSOK, otherwise return YSERR. YSRESULT GetNearestPoint(YsVec3 &NP,const YsVec3 &REFP) const; Return a point on the plane that is closest to REFP. The result will be set to NP. Usually this function will return YSOK, but if the function failed to calculate (Eg. eveutually normal vector has the length of zero), return YSERR. YSRESULT MakeBestFitPlane(int NP,const YsVec3 P[]); Make a YsPlane that best fit to the point sets (NP,P[]). If the calculation failed, this function will return YSERR. Otherwise return YSOK. YSRESULT MakePlaneFromTriangle(const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsVec3 &P3); Construct a YsPlane from three points P1,P2 and P3. int YsPlane::GetSideOfPlane(const YsVec3 &REF); The function returnes a Positive integer when (REF-ORG)*NOM>0 a Negative integer when (REF-ORG)*NOM<0 zero when REF is on the plane where O is a point on the plane, NOM is the normal of the plane. inline const YsVec3 &GetOrigin(void) const The function returns a point on the plane. inline const YsVec3 &GetNormal(void) const The function returns a normal vector of the plane. OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsPrintf DESCRIPTION: A class that offeres the same function as printf. You can write a subclass of YsPrintf, overriding the function Output member function. Output member function accepts final output string. You can output the string to a file, a MessageBox or anything you want. MEMBERVARIABLE: static YsPrintf *def; YsPrintf::def is a pointer to the default YsPrintf object. At the beginning, YsPrintf::def->Printf(something); will work same as printf of the standard C-library. MEMBERFUNCTION: virtual void Output(char str[]); You cannot call this function directly. But you can override this function to output a final string to anything. int Printf(const char *fom,...); You can use this function same as printf of the standard C-library. void SetDefault(void); Make this instance default. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsPutExt DEFINITION: void YsPutExt(char FNAME[],char EXT[]); DESCRIPTION: Put an extension EXT to the filename FNAME, if the filename FNAME does not have an extension. The extension EXT must be in one of following forms. *.EXT .EXT EXT REFERENCE:
NAME:YsRelativePath DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsRelativePath(char RELATIVE[],char FULL[],char ORIGIN[]); RETURN: YSOK Successfully converted YSERR Given fullpathname cannot be converted to relative path DESCRIPTION: Convert a full path name FULL into relative path with respect to the path name ORIGIN. This function may fail if (1)The target file FULL is not in a same drive as ORIGIN. (2)Case of driver letter is different between FULL and ORIGIN. (Eg. FULL -> "C:/src/ysclass/document/ysclass.txt ORIGIN -> "c:/src/ysclass/" ^ Case mismatch ) REFERENCE:
NAME:YsRotation DESCRIPTION: Class that represent a rotation about an arbitrary vector. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsRotation(); Constructor WITHOUT initialization. YsRotation(double X,double Y,double Z,double ANG); Constructor WITH initialization. (X,Y,Z) as axis of rotation. "ANG" as an angle of rotation. YsRotation(const YsVec3 &AX,double ANG); Constructor WITH initialization. AX as axis of rotation. ANG as an angle of rotation. inline void Set(double X,double Y,double Z,double A) inline void Set(const YsVec3 &AX,double A) Set an axis of rotation {(X,Y,Z) or AX} and an angle of rotation A. inline void SetAxis(const YsVec3 &AXS; Set an axis of rotation. inline void SetAngle(double A); Set an angle of rotation. inline void Get(double &X,double &Y,double &Z,double &A) const inline void Get(YsVec3 &AX,double &A) const Get an axis of rotation and an angle of rotation. inline const YsVec3 &GetAxis(void) const Get an axis of rotation. inline const double GetAngle(void) const Get an angle of rotation. YSRESULT RotatePositive(YsVec3 &RESULT,const YsVec3 &START) const; Rotate the vector START to the right(in right hand coordinate system) or to the left(in left hand coordinate system). The result is set to RESULT. YSRESULT RotateNegative(YsVec3 &RESULT,const YsVec3 &START) const; Rotate the vector START to the left(in right hand coordinate system) or to the right(in left hand coordinate system). The result is set to RESULT. OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsScreenPolygon DEFINITION: template <const int MAXNXBUF,const int HEI> class YsScreenPolygon DESCRIPTION: This class provide an easy way to draw a polygon on a pixel map. When drawing a polygon on a pixel map, the program trace edges of the polygon and find intersection between each edge and a line y=k {k:constant 0<=k<y resolution}. After findint intersection, the program draws horizontal lines that fills between intersecting points. The template parameter MAXNXBUF takes the maximum number of horizontal intersecting points. If there are more than MAXNXBUF of intersection at y=k, this class will ignore some of intersecting points. The intersecting point at righthand side has more priority. The other template parameter HEI takes the resolution in y direction. Y component of screen coordinate must be between 0 through HEi-1. User MakeHorizontalIntersectionBuffer member function to find intersecting points. Then, use GetRangeOfY,GetNumIntersectionAtY, and GetIntersectionBufferAtY to use retrieve intersecting points at y=k. Then, draw horizontal lines. MEMBERFUNCTION: YSRESULT MakeHorizontalIntersectionBuffer(int NP,int P[]); Track edges, make the intersection buffer. If NP is less than 3, this function will return YSERR and do nothing. The format of the array P is: P[0]=x1 P[1]=y1 P[2]=x2 P[3]=y2 P[4]=x3 P[5]=y3 ..... void GetRangeOfY(int &ymin,int &ymax); Get range of Y component. This function does not return valid value. int GetNumIntersectionAtY(int Y); Return the number of intersection between the polygon and a horizontal line y=Y. int *GetIntersectionBufferAtY(int Y); Return the pointer to a intersection buffer of y=Y. You can draw a polygon by, // It's better to check errors and NULL pointers. (I omitted for this) // This code is ad lib code :-) So, it may contain errors, // Please read it as a schematic code :-) int i,n,*buf,x,x1,x2,y,y1,y2; YsScreenPolygon plg; plg.MakeHorizontalIntersectionBuffer(somepolygon); plg.GetRangeOfY(y1,y2); for(y=y1; y<=y2; y++) { n=GetNumIntersectionAtY(y); buf=GetIntersectioNBufferAtY(y); for(i=0; i<n-1; i+=2) { for(x=buf[i]; x<=buf[i+1]; x++) { PutPixel(x,y); } } } REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSeparatePathFile DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsSeparatePathFile(char DIR[],char FIL[],char FUL[]); RETURN: YSOK Successfully separated directory name and file name. YSERR Failed to separate directory name and file name. DESCRIPTION: This function will separate directory name part and file name part of the path name FUL. The directory part will be set to DIR. The file name part will be set to FIL. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSeparateShell DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsSeparateShell (YsShell &SH0,YsShell &SH1,YsShell &ORG,YsShell &REF); RETURN: YSOK Succesfully calculated YSERR Failed DESCRIPTION: Split a shell ORG into SH0 and SH1 with respect to REF. This function is equivalent to following two lines of code. YsBlendShell(SH0,ORG,REF,YSBOOLMINUS); YsBlendShell(SH1,ORG,REF,YSBOOLAND); REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShell DESCRIPTION: This class gives a structure that stores a polygonal shell. The shell consists of a list of vertices and a list of polygons. Various operations are available for this class, such as boolean operations, inside/outside checking, collision detection and so on. Some of them requires that the shell is a valid solid (i.e. the shell is closed, and each edge is used by two polygons). YsShell offers two types of accesses to the vertices and the polygons. One is access by handle, and the other is access by index. Access by handle is usually faster than access by index. However, when you export the content of the shell into a file, access by index often helps you in writing the exporting function. If your program has to access by index many times, and if you know that your program does not modify the shell during the operation, you can use Encache function prior to the operation in order to accelerate the access. YsShell has an operator=. You can copy shell instances safely with the operator=. Currently, number of vertices of one polygon must not exceed 256. MEMBERFUNCTION: int AddPolygon(int NV,const int V[]); YsShellPolygonHandle AddPolygonH(int NV,const int V[]); YsShellPolygonHandle AddPolygonH(int NV,const YsShellVertexHandle V[]); These functions add a polygon. NV is the number of vertices of the new polygon. V is an array of vertex indexes/handles. AddPolygon returns the index of the new polygon. AddPolygonH returns the handle of the new polygon. int AddPolygonVertex(int NV,const YsVec3 V[]); This function adds a polygon. NV is a number of vertices of the new polygon. V is an array of positions of vertices. This function returns an index of newly created polygon. This function does not check if all the vertices are co-planer. This function creates new vertices regardless of the locations of the vertices. It means that if a vertex is already located at a location in V, the shell will have two vertices at the same location after this function. int AddVertex(const YsVec3 &POS); YsShellVertexHandle AddVertexH(const YsVec3 &POS); This function adds a vertex. POS is a position of the new vertex. If is recommended to use AddVertexH unless you have a special reason. YSRESULT AttachSearchTable(YsShellSearchTable *search); This function attaches a search table to the shell. The search table stores detailed topological information of the shell. See YsShellSearchTable for more details. YsShell is not responsible for releasing the memory block allocated for the search table. Thus, the application must release the search table when the search table is no longer needed. If the application needs to release the memory block allocated for the search table, the search table must be detached by DetachSearchTable before it is released. (See DetachSearchTable) YSRESULT AutoComputeNormal (YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD,YSBOOL REPLACECURRENT,YSBOOL IGNORECURRENT); YSRESULT AutoComputeNormalAll (YSBOOL REPLACECURRENT,YSBOOL IGNORECURRENT); AutoComputeNormal function computes the normal vector of the polygon PLHD. AutoComputeNormalAll function computes the normal vector of all polygons. These functions use YsGetAverageNormalVector internally to compute the normal of the polygons which have more than 3 vertices. If REPLACECURRENT is YSTRUE, the function computes normal vectors of all polygons. If REPLACECURRENT is YSFALSE, the function computes normal vectors of only polygons which originally have zero length (length<YsTolerance) polygons. If IGNORECURRENT is YSTRUE, the function will not refer to the original normal vector even if the normal is non-zero. If IGNORECURRENT is YSFALSE, the function refers to the original normal vector and if it is non-zero, and the newly computed normal vector makes over 90 degree against the original normal vector, the function flips the direction of the computed normal vector, which is set to the polygon. If REPLACECURRENT is YSFALSE, IGNORECURRENT does not affect the result. If the shell is closed, and it has a winged-edge structure, use RepairFlipDirectionAssumingWingedEdge function before this function in order to guarantee all normals point to outside. YSRESULT BeginReadSrf(void) This function initializes the shell, and prepares for the SRF reading operation. The program can feed SRF-FORMAT data by using ReadSrfOneLine one line at a time. The SRF reading operation must be terminated by EndReadSrf. void CleanUp(void); This function initializes the shell. void CleanUpVertexPolygonStore(void); This function cleans up the vertex/polygon store. The vertex/polygon store is a cluster of memory blocks of the vertices/polygons which are no longer used. YsShell keeps those memory blocks in order to reduce the overhead of memory allocation. When an application requests YsShell to create a new vertex/polygon, YsShell first tries to pick up a memory block from a vertex/polygon store before allocating a new memory block. This feature increases the performance, but if your application creates many YsShells which later become unnecessary, the vertex/polygon store takes up some amount of memory storage. In such a case, you may want to clean up the vertex/polygon store. If you want to clean up the vertex/polygon store, you can call this function (CleanUpVertexPolygonStore()). Since it is a static function, you can write like #include <ysclass.h> int main(void) { (Do something) YsShell::CleanUpVertexPolygonStore(); return 0; } YSSIDE CountRayIntersection (int &COUNTER,const YsVec3 &ORG,const YsVec3 &VEC,int PLIDSKIP=-1) const; YSSIDE CountRayIntersection (int &COUNTER,const YsVec3 &ORG,const YsVec3 &VEC,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHDSKIP=NULL) const; These functions shoot a ray from ORG to the direction of VEC. This function counts how many times the ray penetrates a polygon. The result is set to COUNTER. You can set PLIDSKIP to exclude a particular polygon from intersection check. If the ray hits an edge or a vertex, this function stops and returns YSBOUNDARY. Or if the function failed to calculate intersections, this function returns YSUNKNOWNSIDE. If this function returned YSBOUNDARY or YSUNKNOWNSIDE, COUNT becomes invalid. YSSIDE CheckInsideSolid(const YsVec3 &PNT) const; This function checks if PNT is inside,outside or boundary of this shell. The return value is valid only when the shell satisfies the condition of solid. If the calculation is failed, this function will return YSUNKNOWNSIDE. Note that if the shell is not a solid (particularly, not closed or having independent polygon etc.), this function may not return YSUNKNOWNSIDE but return false value. This function exhaustively checks intersection of a inifinitely long ray against all polygons. If you need to check many points, it is recommended to build a YsShellLattice first, and then use YsShellLattice's CheckInsideSolid function. See YsShellLattice class for more details. YSRESULT DeletePolygon(int PLID); YSRESULT DeletePolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD); These functions delete a polygon. YSRESULT DeleteVertex(int VTID); YSRESULT DeleteVertex(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD); These functions delete a vertex. If the vertex is used by one or more polygons, this function will return YSERR and the vertex will not be deleted. YSRESULT DeleteVertexAtTheSamePosition(void); YSRESULT DeleteVertexAtTheSamePosition(int &NDELETED); These functions checks locations of vertices, and if more than one vertices are located at the same position, this function deletes those vertices in order to avoid having more than one vertices at one location. The application can know how many vertices are deleted by the value of NDELETED after this function. YSRESULT DetachSearchTable(void); This function detaches the search table which is attached by using AttachSearchTable. void Encache(void) const; This function makes an internal cache table that stores the table of pointers that maps an index number to the pointers of vertices and polygons. This will accelerate the access by index. However, when the shell is modified, internal cache table becomees void. YSRESULT EndReadSrf(void) This function termintates the SRF reading operation. SRF reading operation begins with BeginReadSrf, and lines of SRF-FORMAT data are fed to YsShell by ReadSrfOneLine. YsShellVertexHandle FindNextVertex(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; This function finds a handle to a vertex which is stored next of VTHD in the vertex list. If VTHD is NULL, this function returns the handle to the first vertex. If VTHD is the last vertex in the list, the function returns NULL. YsShellPolygonHandle FindNextPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; This function finds a handle to a polygon which is stored next of PLHD in the polygon list. If PLHD is NULL, this function returns the handle to the first polygon. If VTHD is the last polygon in the list, the function returns NULL. YSRESULT GetColorOfPolygon(YsColor &COL,int PLID); YSRESULT GetColorOfPolygon(YsColor &COL,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions gives a color of the polygon PLID. void GetBoundingBox(YsVec3 &min,YsVec3 &max); This function gives a bounding box of the shell. int GetMaxNumVertexOfPolygon(void) const; This function returns the maximum number of vertices of a polygon stored in the shell. void GetMatrix(YsMatrix4x4 &MAT) const; This function gives the transformation matrix which is set to the shell. YSRESULT GetNormalOfPolygon(YsVec3 &NOM,int PLID); YSRESULT GetNormalOfPolygon(YsVec3 &NOM,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; This function gives the normal vector of the polygon. The normal vector is not guaranteed to be correct. And it may have zero length. If you need all normals are guaranteed to be non-zero and perpendicular to the geometry of the polygons, use AutoComputeNormalAll function to let YsShell compute the normals. int GetNumPolygon(void) const; This function returns the number of polygons stored in the shell. int GetNumVertex(void) const; This function returns the number of vertices stored in the shell. int GetNumVertexOfPolygon(int PLID) const; int GetNumVertexOfPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions returns the number of vertices of the polygon of PLID/PLHD. YsShellPolygon *GetPolygon(int PLID); const YsShellPolygon *GetPolygon(int PLID) const; const YsShellPolygon *GetPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions return a pointer to YsShellPolygon. YsShellPolygonHandle GetPolygonHandleFromId(int PLID) const; This function returns a polygon handle corresponds to the index PLID. int GetPolygonIdFromHandle(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; This function returns a polygon index that corresponds to the handle PLHD. unsigned GetSearchKey(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; unsigned GetSearchKey(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions return a unique search key which is assigned to the vertex VTHD or the polygon PLHD. The search key is used in YsShellSearchTable. const YsShellSearchTable *GetSearchTable(void) const; This function returns a pointer to YsShellSearchTable is attached to the shell. The search table stores detailed topological informations of the shell. See YsShellSearchTable for more details. YsShellVertex *GetVertex(int VTID); const YsShellVertex *GetVertex(int VTID) const; const YsShellVertex *GetVertex(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; These functions return a pointer to YsShellVertex. int GetVertexReferenceCount(int VTID) const; int GetVertexReferenceCount(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; These functions return the number of polygons that are using the vertex. YSRESULT GetVertexPosition(YsVec3 &POS,int VTID) const; YSRESULT GetVertexPosition(YsVec3 &POS,YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; These functions give the position of the vertex VTID/VTHD. YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(int VTID[],int MAXCOUNT,int PLID) const; YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD[],int MAXCOUNT,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsArray <YsShellVertexHandle> &VTHD,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions gives the list of vertex indexes or the list of vertex handles of the polygon PLID/PLHD. MAXCOUNT is the length of the array VTID. YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsVec3 VTX[],int MAXCOUNT,int PLID) const; YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsArray <YsVec3> &VTX,YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions give the vertex positions of the polygon PLID. You must specify the length of the array VTID to MAXCOUNT. YsShellVertexHandle GetVertexHandleFromId(int VTID) const; This function returns a vertex handle corresponds to the index VTID. int GetVertexIdFromHandle(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; This function returns a vertex index that corresponds to the handle VTHD. const int *GetVertexListOfPolygon(int PLID) const; const YsShellVertexHandle *GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD) const; These functions returns the const pointer to the array of vertex IDs or vertex handles of the specified polygon. YSRESULT InvertPolygon(int PLID); YSRESULT InvertPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD); These functions invert the flip direction of the polygon PLID/PLHD. YSBOOL IsStarShape(const YsVec3 &PNT,const class YsShellEdgeList *EDGELIST=NULL) const; This function checks if the shell is star-shaped with respect to PNT. A shell is a starshape with respect to PNT when all line segments between PNT and one vertex in the shell do not intersect with the boundary of the shell. If YsShellEdgeList is already built for the shell, you can pass the pointer to the function to increase the performance. YSRESULT LoadSrf(char fn[]); This function loads a SRF-FORMAT file. The contents stored in the YsShell before using LoadSrf are cleared. YSRESULT ModifyVertexPosition(int VTID,const YsVec3 &NEWPOS) YSRESULT ModifyVertexPosition(YsShellVertexHandle VTHD,const YsVec3 &NEWPOS); These function modify vertex position. YSRESULT ModifyPolygon(int PLID,int NV,const int V[]); YSRESULT ModifyPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD,int NV,const YsShellVertexHandle V[]); These function modify a polygon that is specified by PLID/PLHD. NV,V is a new number of vertices and an array of new vertex indexes/handles. Note that this function does not check if all the vertices are co-planer. YSRESULT ReadSrfOneLine(char str[]) This function feeds one line of SRF-FORMAT data during SRF reading operation. SRF reading operation begins with BeginReadSrf and must be terminated by EndReadSrf. YSRESULT RepairFlipDirectionAssumingWingedEdge(void); This function repairs inconsistencies of flip directions of the polygons assuming the shell has a closed winged-edge structure. This function needs a search table. Thus, the search table must be attached prior to using this function. If the shell is not closed, or does not have a winged-edge structure, the result is undefined. YSRESULT SetColorOfPolygon(int PLID,const YsColor &COL); YSRESULT SetColorOfPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD,const YsColor &COL); These functions set a color to a polygon. void SetMatrix(const YsMatrix4x4 &MAT); This function sets a transformation matrix. YSRESULT SetNormalOfPolygon(int PLID,const YsVec3 &NOM); YSRESULT SetNormalOfPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle PLHD,const YsVec3 &NOM); These functions set a normal vector to a polygon. void SetTrustPolygonNormal(YSBOOL TRUST); This function tells the shell if all the normal vectors stored in the polygons are geometrically correct. If TRUST is YSTRUE, YsShell will consider that normal vectors set in the polygons are pointing outside, and perpendicular to the face of the polygon. This will increase the performance of many operations, however, if the normal is not set correctly (because of bad modeling, or all vertices of the polygon are not lying on one plane), some functions will give incorrect results. YSRESULT ShootFiniteRay (YsArray <YsVec3> &PNTS,YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle> &PLHDLST, const YsVec3 &P1,const YsVec3 &P2,const YsShellLattice *LTC=NULL); For the given finite length ray (line segment) specified by two points P1 and P2, this function computes the intersection against the shell boundary and returns the list of intersecting points and intersecting polygons. If a ray hits the edge of the polygon or a vertex of the polygon, the number of intersection will not identify if the point P1 or P2 is inside or outside of the shell. YSRESULT ShootInfiniteRay (YsArray <YsVec3> &PNTS,YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle> &PLHDLST, const YsVec3 &ORG,const YsVec3 &VEC,const YsShellLattice *LTC=NULL); For the given infinitely long ray specified by a originating point ORG and the direction VEC, this function computes the intersection against the shell boundary and returns the list of intersecting points and intersecting polygons. If a ray hits the edge of the polygon or a vertex of the polygon, the number of intersection will not identify if the point ORG is inside or outside of the shell. int ShootRay(YsVec3 &INTERSECT,const YsVec3 &ORG,const YsVec3 &VEC) const; ShootRay remains only for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use ShootFiniteRay or ShootInfiniteRay instead of ShootRay. Shoot a ray from ORG to the direction of VEC. Find a polygon that the ray hits first. (The polygon that has closest intersecting point with ORG will be chosen). This function will set intersecting point to INTERSECT. The return value is the polygon that the ray hit first. If the distance between the point ray hit and ORG is larger than the length of VEC, that point is ignored. If no intersection, this function will return negative value. void ShootRay (YsArray <YsVec3> &LST,const YsVec3 &ORG,const YsVec3 &VEC) const; ShootRay' function remains only for backward compatibility. It is recommended to use ShootFiniteRay or ShootInfiniteRay instead of ShootRay. Shoot a ray from ORG to the direction of VEC. Make a list of intersection to LST. If the distance between the point ray hit and ORG is larger than the length of VEC, that point is ignored. If no intersection, LST will be an empty array. YSRESULT ValidateVtId(int NVTID,const int VTID[]); YSRESULT ValidatePlId(int NPLID,const int PLID[]); These functions check if VTIDs or PLIDs are valid or invalid. If all of VTIDs or PLIDs are valid, these function return YSOK. Otherwise these function return YSERR. OPERATOR: const YsShell &operator=(const YsShell &from); You can use operator= to safely copy a shell. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShellEdgeList DESCRIPTION: A simple class which stores list of edges included in a YsShell. This function helps increase the performance of many operations included in YSCLASS.LIB, however, internal structure is not completely fixed. Therefore, functions not listed here here may change in the future version even though they are declared as 'public' functions. Several functions of YSCLASS.LIB requires or can accept a YsShellEdgeList for the performance. However, building a YsShellEdgeList is relatively slow. Thus, if your program frequently use a function that requires YsShellEdgeList, you should build YsShellEdgeList once, and re-use it everytime. The program needs to re-build YsShellEdgeList if the program modified YsShell. MEMBERFUNCTION: YSRESULT CleanUp(void); Clean up the edge list. YSRESULT Build(const YsShell &SHL); Build a YsShellEdgeList from SHL. If you re-build, you need to CleanUp() first. OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShellLattice DESCRIPTION: This class stores a lattice over a shell. Each cell of the lattice has the list of vertices that are located inside the cell, and the list of polygons that are intersecting or included in the cell. By using this class, the program can efficinetly check if a point is inside,outside or on the boundary of the shell. The lattices does not keep track of the change of the shell automatically. MEMBERFUNCTIONS: YsShellLattice(int HASHSIZE); Constructor. HASHSIZE specifies the size of the hash table, which stores correspondency from a polygon to a cell. YSRESULT SetDomain(const class YsShell &SHL,int NX,int NY,int NZ); This function creates a NXxNYxNZ lattice, and stores in each cell the list of polygons intersecting with the cell, and the list of vertices included in the cell. YSRESULT AddVertex(YsShellVertexHandle vtHd); (DOCUMENTATION NOT READY) YSRESULT DeleteVertex(YsShellVertexHandle vtHd); (DOCUMENTATION NOT READY) YSRESULT AddPolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle plHd); (DOCUMENTATION NOT READY) YSRESULT DeletePolygon(YsShellPolygonHandle plHd); (DOCUMENTATION NOT READY) YSRESULT FixIndeterminantCell(void); (DOCUMENTATION NOT READY) YSSIDE CheckInsideSolid(const YsVec3 &POS) const; This function checks if POS is inside/outside or on the boundary of the shell. YSRESULT MakePossibllyCollidingPolygonList (YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle,16,16> &PLGLIST,int NP,const YsVec3 P[]) const; This function makes the list of polygons that possiblly collide with the polygon specified by NP and P. Points P do not have to co-planer. YSRESULT MakePossibllyCollidingPolygonList (YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle,16,16> &PLGLIST,const YsVec3 &VT1,const YsVec3 &VT2) const; This function makes the list of polygons that possiblly collide with the line segment specified by two points VT1 and VT2. YSRESULT MakePossibllyIncludedVertexList (YsArray <YsShellVertexHandle,16,16> &VTXLISTvtxList,int NP,const YsVec3 P[]) const; This function makes the list of vertices that possiblly are included in the bounding box of points specified by NP and P. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShellPolygon DESCRIPTION: Polygon class used in YsShell class. You can access to this class only to read/write free attributes. MEMBERVARIABLE: int freeAttribute0; int freeAttribute1; int freeAttribute2; int freeAttribute3; int freeAttribute4; These variables do not have any particular meaning. An application program can use these variables for any purpose. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShellSearchTable DESCRIPTION: A class, which stores topological information (search table) of a YsShell. After a table is attached to a shell by AttachSearchTable function of YsShell class, the table keeps track of topological information of the shell. By using this search table, the program can efficiently find topological informations such as neighbors of a polygon and vertex connections. Many of the member function returns const-pointer to an internal array, which may change when the associated shell is modified. Thus, if the program need to keep the obtained array unchanged during making the modification, the program must make a copy of the array. MEMBERFUNCTION: YsShellSearchTable(int HASHSIZE); Constructor. It requires a parameter HASHSIZE, which defines the size of the hash tables. YsShellVertexHandle FindVertex(const YsShell &SHL,unsigned SEARCHKEY) const; This function finds a vertex handle from a vertex search key. Vertex search key is obtained by GetSearchKey function of YsShell class. YsShellPolygonHandle FindPolygon(const YsShell &SHL,unsigned SEARCHKEY) const; This function finds a polygon handle from a polygon search key. Polygon search key is obtained by GetSearchKey function of YsShell class. const YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle> *FindPolygonListByVertex (const YsShell &SHL,YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; This function searches polygons that are using a vertex refered by VTHD, and returns a const-pointer to an array of handles of the polygons. const YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle,2,2> *FindPolygonListByEdge (const YsShell &SHL,YsShellVertexHandle EDVTHD1,YsShellVertexHandle EDVTHD2) const; const YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle,2,2> *FindPolygonListByEdge (const YsShell &SHL,unsigned EDVTKEY1,unsigned EDVTKEY2) const; These functions search polygons that are using an edge defined by two vertices, specified eigher by two handles EDVTHD1 and EDVTHD2 or two search keys EDVTKEY1 and EDVTKEY2, and return a const-pointer to an array of handles of the polygons. const YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle,2,2> *FindPolygonListByEdge (const YsShell &SHL,const YsShellEdgeEnumHandle &EDHD) const; (DOCUMENTATION IS NOT READY) const YsArray <YsShellPolygonHandle> *FindPolygonListByVertexList (const YsShell &SHL,int NVTX,const YsShellVertexHandle VTHD[]) const; This function searches polygons that includes all the vertices refered by NVTX (number of vertices) and VTHD (vertex handles), and returns a const-pointer to an array of the polygons. const YsArray <YsShellVtxToEdgTableElem,16,16> *FindEdge (const YsShell &shl,YsShellVertexHandle vtHd) const; (DOCUMENTATION IS NOT READY) YSRESULT YsShellSearchTable::GetConnectedVertexList (YsArray <YsShellVertexHandle,16,16> &CONNLST, const YsShell &SHL,YsShellVertexHandle VTHD) const; This function searches vertices that are connected to VTHD, and stores the handles of the vertices in CONNLST. YSRESULT RewindEdgeEnumHandle (const YsShell &SHL,YsShellEdgeEnumHandle &EDHD) const; YSRESULT FindNextEdge (const YsShell &SHL,YsShellEdgeEnumHandle &EDHD) const; YSRESULT GetEdge (const YsShell &SHL,unsigned &EDVTKEY1,unsigned &EDVTKEY2,YsShellEdgeEnumHandle &EDHD) const; (DOCUMENTATION IS NOT READY) REFERENCE:
NAME:YsShellVertex DESCRIPTION: Vertex class used in YsShell class. You can access to this class only to read/write free attributes. MEMBERVARIABLE: int freeAttribute0; int freeAttribute1; int freeAttribute2; int freeAttribute3; int freeAttribute4; These variables do not have any particular meaning. An application program can use these variables for any purpose. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSmaller DEFINITION: #define YsSmaller(A,B) ((A)<(B) ? (A) : (B)) DESCRIPTION: Macro returns smaller one of A and B. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSolveThreeLinearEquation DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsSolveThreeLinearEquation (double *X,double *Y,double *Z, double A1,double B1,double C1,double D1, double A2,double B2,double C2,double D2, double A3,double B3,double C3,double D3); RETURN: YSOK Successfully calculated YSERR No solution for this three linear simultaneous equation. DESCRIPTION: Solve a three linear simultaneous equation. Equations are descibed as: A1 x +B1 y +C1 z +D1=0 A2 x +B2 y +C2 z +D2=0 A3 x +B3 y +C3 z +D3=0 REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSolveTwoLinearEquation DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsSolveTwoLinearEquation (double *X,double *Y, double A,double B,double C, double P,double Q,double R); RETURN: YSOK Successfully calculated YSERR No solution for this two linear simultaneous equation. DESCRIPTION: Solve a two linear simultaneous equation. Equations are descibed as: Ax+By+C=0 Px+Qy+R=0 REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSortPointSet3 DEFINITION: YSRESULT YsSortPointSet3(int NP,YsVec3 P[],int IDX[]) YSRESULT YsSortPointSet3(int NP,YsVec3 P[],int IDX[],const YsVec3 &REF) RETURN: YSOK Successfully sorted YSERR Failed for some reason DESCRIPTION: YsSortPointSet3 sorts an array of points (NP,P) with respect to a distance from a reference point (REFP). If you don't provide REFP explicitly, the function automatically try to compute two extreme points of the points assuming all points are co-linear, then take one of the extreme point as reference point. If you have non-const array class like YsArray <YsVec3> you can use this function as YsSortPointSet3(ary.GetNumItem(),ary.GetEditableArray(),referencePoint); REFERENCE:
NAME:YsStringHead DEFINITION: void YsStringHead(char **STR); DESCRIPTION: Seek a pointer STR to first letter of the string. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsStringTail DEFINITION: void YsStringTail(char *STR); DESCRIPTION: Delete control codes at the end of the string. If there are more than one conseqtive control codes at the end, this function will eliminate all of them. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSword DESCRIPTION: A class to slash a 3D polygon by planes or polygons. This class can also slash 2D polygon by lines. Also you can use this function for triangulate (tesselate) a polygon. Or cut a concave polygon into piecewise convex polygons. This function accepts both convex and concave polygons (without notification, this class library works for both convex and concave polygons). For this class, copy constructor and operator= are not allowed. To use this class, you have to set an initial polygon to this class using SetInitialPolygon member function. The initial polygon is the polygon that you want to cut into pieces. Then, you can call Slash functions. You can call Slash function more than once. For example, you can slash a rectangle twice to make it into four pieces. Then, finally, you can get GetNumPolygon() member function to get how many pieces the initial polygon became. MEMBERFUNCTION: YSRESULT SetInitialPolygon(int NP,const YsVec3 P[],const int ID[]=NULL); YSRESULT SetInitialPolygon(int NP,const YsVec2 P[],const int ID[]=NULL); Set an initial polygon. The initial polygon is the polygon that you want to cut into pieces. You can also specify an array of IDs of vertices. If you set vertices, this class will track which new vertex is created between which vertices. YSRESULT Slash(const YsPlane &PLN); YSRESULT Slash(int NV,const YsVec3 V[]); YSRESULT SlashByOverlappingPolygon3(int NP,YsVec3 P[],int NOTE=0); Slash the target polygon by a plane PLN, by a polygon (NV,V) or by a overlapping polygon (NP,P). An overlapping polygon is a polygon that lies on the same plane as the target polygon. SlashByOverlappingPolygon3 will slash the target polygon by polygons that is parallel to each edge of the overlapping polygon, and is parpendicular to the overlapping polygon. You can specify NOTE when you slash a polygon by a overlapping polygon. NOTE is copied to pieces of polygons that were overlapping with slasher polygon. YSRESULT Slash(const YsVec2 &ORG,const YsVec2 &VEC); Slash the target polygon by a 2D line specivied by ORG and VEC. This is for only 2D polygon slashing. int GetNumPolygon(void) const; Get the number of piecewise polygons generated by slashing. int GetNumVertexOfPolygon(int N) const; Get the number of vertices of Nth piece of polygon. (N begins with zero). YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsVec3 VEC[],int MAXCOUNT,int N); YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(const YsVec3 *VEC[],int MAXCOUNT,int N); YSRESULT GetVertexListOfPolygon(YsVec2 VEC[],int MAXCOUNT,int N); Get vertex list of the Nth piece of polygon. The vertex list is returned to VEC[]. You must specify the available length of the VEC to MAXCOUNT. const YsArray <YsVec3> *GetPolygon(int N) const; Get a pointer to an array that contains vertices of Nth piece of polygon. const YsArray <int> *GetVertexIdList(int N) const; Get a pointer to an array that contains vertex IDs of Nth piece of polygon. This function is available only when you set vertex IDs as well as initial polygon. int GetNumNewVertex(void) const; Get the number of newly created vertices. This could be zero even when the polygon is slashed into more than two pieces. The numver of newly created vertices will become zero when: 1.The polygon is not slashed into more than one pieces. 2.The polygon is slashed into more than two pieces, but slashing line was lying on existing vertices (within YsTolerance). const YsSwordNewVertexLog *GetNewVertexLog(int N) const; Get Nth newly created vertex log. See YsSwordNewVertexLog for more information. This function is available only when you specified vertex IDs as well as initial polygon. YSBOOL IsFromOverlappingPolygon3(int N) const; This function will return YSTRUE if Nth piece of polygon was created by a SlashByOverlappingPolygon3 function, and was overlapping part. YSBOOL IsFromOverlappingPolygon3(int N,int &NOTE) const; This function will return YSTRUE if Nth piece of polygon was created by a SlashByOverlappingPolygon3 function, and was overlapping part. You also can retrieve NOTE value that is specified when SlashByOverlappingPolygon3 is called. YSRESULT Triangulate(YSCONVEXNIZESTRATEGY STRATEGY=YSCONVEXNIZEDEFAULT); YSRESULT Convexnize(YSCONVEXNIZESTRATEGY STRATEGY=YSCONVEXNIZEDEFAULT); Cut the target polygon into piecewise triangles or convex-polygons. See YSCONVEXNIZESTRATEGY for details of the parameter. OPERATOR: REFERENCE:
NAME:YsSwordNewVertexLog DESCRIPTION: A class that keeps an information of newly created vertices in YsSword. MEMBERVARIABLE: int freeAttribute; You can use this attribute freely for any purpose. int betweenVt1,betweenVt2; The vertex is created between these two vertices. int idCreated; The ID number of this vertex. YsVec3 pos; The position of the vertex. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsTolerance DEFINITION: extern double YsTolerance; DESCRIPTION: A global variable representing tolerance. (Very small number. If the difference between a number A and a number B is smaller than the tolerance, these two numbers are considered same.) Initial value is 0.000001. Since it is a global variable, you can change tolerance just by substitute new tolerance value into YsTolerance. REFERNECE: YsCoordSysModel REFERENCE:
NAME:YsUncapitalize DEFINITION: void YsUncapitalize(char l[]); RETURN: Convert all alphabetical letters into small letters. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsVec2 DESCRIPTION: 2D Vector class. MEMBERFUNCTION: inline YsVec2() Constructor. Note that does NOT clear (x,y) to zero. inline YsVec2(const double &X,const double &Y); Constructor with initialization. inline YsVec2(const double &A); Constructor. Elements are initialized as x=y=A. inline double x(void) const; Get x value. inline double y(void) const; Get y value. inline const double *GetValue(void) const; Return a pointer to an array that contains x and y; inline void Get(double &X,double &Y) const; Get x and y. inline double GetSquareLength(void) const; Return x*x+y*y inline double GetLength(void) const; Return sqrt(x*x+y*y); YSBOOL IsNormalized(void) const; Return YSTRUE if the vector is normalized (having length of 1.0). Otherwise return YSFALSE. inline YSRESULT Normalize(void); Normalize the vector. If the length of the vector is equal to zero, this function will return YSERR. If no error, this function will return YSOK. inline void Set(const double &X,const double &Y) Set x and y value. inline void SetX(const double &X) Set x value. inline void SetY(const double &Y) Set y value. inline void Set(double V[2]) Set x and y by array. inline void Rotate(double ANG); Rotate x and y by ANG(radian). OPERATOR: inline YsVec2 operator-(const YsVec2 &A) Return -1.0*A inline YsVec2 operator-(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) Return A-B inline YsVec2 operator+(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) Return A+B inline YsVec2 operator/(const YsVec2 &A,double B) Return A/B inline YsVec2 operator*(const YsVec2 &A,double B) inline YsVec2 operator*(double B,const YsVec2 &A) Return A*B inline double operator*(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) Return inner product (dot product) of A and B inline double operator^(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) Return outer product (cross product) of A and B. Since A and B are both 2D vectors, this function will return only z value. (Outer products is always going to be (0,0,z); inline int operator==(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) inline int operator!=(const YsVec2 &A,const YsVec2 &B) Compare two vectors. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsVec3 DESCRIPTION: 3D Vector class MEMBERFUNCTION: inline YsVec3(); Constructor. Does NOT initialize x,y and z to zero. inline YsVec3(const double &X,const double &Y,const double &Z); Constructor with initialization. inline YsVec3(const double &A); Constructor. Elements are initialized as x=y=z=A. inline double x(void) const Get x value. inline double y(void) const Get y value inline double z(void) const Get z value inline const double *GetValue(void) const Get a pointer to the array of x,y and z. inline void Set(const double &X,const double &Y,const double &Z) Set x,y and z value inline void SetX(const double &X) Set x value. inline void SetY(const double &Y) Set y value. inline void SetZ(const double &Z) Set z value. inline void Set(double V[3]) Set x,y and z value by an array. inline void Get(double &X,double &Y,double &Z) const Get x,y and z value. inline double GetSquareLength(void) const Get x*x+y*y+z*z inline double GetLength(void) const Get sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z) YSBOOL IsNormalized(void) const; Return YSTRUE if this vector is normalized (having length of 1.0). Otherwise, return YSFALSE. YSRESULT Normalize(void); Normalize this vector. If the vector length is equal to zero, this function will return YSERR. If there's no err, return YSOK. YsVec3 GetArbitraryParpendicularVector(void); Get an arbitrary vector that is parpendicular to this vector. inline void RotateXY(double ANG); Rotate in XY plane. newX=x*cos(ANG)-y*sin(ANG); newY=x*sin(ANG)+y*cos(ANG); inline void RotateXZ(double ANG); Rotate in XZ plane. newX=x*cos(ANG)-z*sin(ANG); newZ=x*sin(ANG)+z*cos(ANG); inline void RotateYZ(double ANG); Rotate in YZ plane. newY=y*cos(ANG)-z*sin(ANG); newZ=y*sin(ANG)+z*cos(ANG); OPERATOR: inline YsVec3 operator-(const YsVec3 &A) Return -A inline YsVec3 operator-(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) Return A-B inline YsVec3 operator+(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) Return A+B inline YsVec3 operator/(const YsVec3 &A,double B) Return A/B inline YsVec3 operator*(const YsVec3 &A,double B) inline YsVec3 operator*(double B,const YsVec3 &A) Return A*B inline double operator*(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) Return inner product(dot product) of A and B inline YsVec3 operator^(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) Return outer product(cross product) of A and B inline int operator==(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) inline int operator!=(const YsVec3 &A,const YsVec3 &B) Compare A and B. REFERENCE:
NAME:YsZero DEFINITION: #define YsZero(A) YsEqual((A),0.0) DESCRIPTION: Check if A is equal to zero. If the absolute of A is smaller than YsTolerance, this macro will return YSTRUE. Otherwise YSFALSE. REFERENCE: