Linux version does not have a nice dialog box for changing configuration. Please modify configuration files manually. The configuration files are located under config directory. [flight.cfg] SMOKETYPE Type Type can be one of NOODLE, TOWEL, CIRCLE, or SOLIDh SMOKETIME 30.000000 Time (in seconds) that a smoke trail remains visible. SMOKESTEP 4 Resolution of a smoke trail. A smaller number gives a better smoke trail, but takes longer time to draw. DRWSHADOW TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws shadows. HRIZNGRAD TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws gradation near horizon. This setting is ignored DRAWFOG__ is TRUE. DRAWCLOUD TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws clouds. GBLACKOUT TRUE/FALSE Specify if the prgram darkens when high positive G is applied and reddens when high negative G is applied. ACCURATET TRUE/FALSE If it is FALSE, the program does a kind of corner-cutting to reduce computational time for calculating airplane dynamics. AUTORUDDR TRUE/FALSE Enables/disasbles automatic-rudder coordinator. MIDAIRCOL TRUE/FALSE Enables/disables mid air collision (actually, not necessarily in mid air though.) SHADWDEAD TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws shadows of dead airplanes. This setting is ignored if DRWSHADOW is FALSE. DRAWORDIN TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws weapons loaded on airplanes. COARSEWPN TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws coarse weapons. DRAWFOG__ TRUE/FALSE Specify if the program draws fog. If this setting is TRUE, HRIZNGRAD is ignored. VISIBILIT 20000.00m Specify the visibility. You need to have unit (m) at the end without separating by a space or a tab. ZBUFFQUAL 0,1,2, or 3 Specify the quality of Z-Buffering. 0:lowest but fastest 3:highest but slowest. DEFAIRPLN "F-16C_FIGHTINGFALCON" Specify the default player airplane. HUDALWAYS FALSE Specify if the program draws the head up display. JSCALIBRA FALSE Specify if the program re-calibrates joystick at the startup. Apparently, my calibration routine is not very good, and shouldn't set this setting TRUE :-P AIRLVODTL 0,1,2, or 3 Specify the quality of airplane graphics. 0:Default (use a coarse model when an airplane is far from the viewpoint) 1:Always high quality 2:Always coarse 3:Paper airplane GNDLVODTL 0,1, or 2 Specify the quality of ground object graphics. 0:Default (use a coarse model when an airplane is far from the viewpoint) 1:Always high quality 2:Always coarse DRWPLRNAM TRUE/FALSE If it is FALSE, player name is visible only when the head up display is visible. DRWLITDAY TRUE/FALSE If it is FALSE, runway lights and city lights are invisible when the environment is day. TRANSPARE TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, afterburners and cockpit windows (planned) become semi-transparent. TRSPVAPOR TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, vapor trails are drawn semi-transparent. TRSPSMOKE TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, smoke trails are drawn semi-transparent. LANDANWHR TRUE/TRUE If it is TRUE, airplanes can land anywhere. However, if the speed exceeds 15kt and lands out of runway, airplane vibrate violently and may end up with crashing. ENVIRONME DAY/NIGHT Specify environment. DEFFIELD_ "ATSUGI_AIRBASE" Specify the default field. DEFSTPOS_ "RW01_01" Specify the default start position. JSWARNING TRUE/FALSE If TRUE, the program shows the warning message "Joystick is not connected or not configured" when a joystick axis is assigned to a control function and joystick is not detected. TRSPLATER TRUE/FALSE If TRUE, transparent polygons are drawn after all non-transparent polygons. It reduces the peep hole effect caused by a transparent polygon. CAMERADLY TRUE/FALSE If TRUE, the external airplane camera, initially F8 key is assigned, will chase the airplane with some delay. [network.cfg] USEMISSILE TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the server allows air to air missiles. SERVERWAIT TRUE/FALSE (Not used now) DEFAULTHST "" Specify the default host name in the client mode. PORTNUMBER 7915 Specify the default port number. DEFAULTUSR "USERNAME" Specify the default user name. If you use "USERNAME", the program automatically gives you "Nameless." RECORDCLNT TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the program takes flight record in the client mode. RECORDSRVR TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the program takes flight record in the server mode. DEFLTFIELD "NEWTA_AIRBASE" Specify the default field name in the server mode. DFSTPOSSVR "NORTH10000_01" Specify the default start position in the server mode. DEFIFFSRVR 0,1,2, or 3 Specify the default IFF (identify friend or foe) code in the server mode. DEFIFFCLNT 0,1,2, or 3 Specify the default IFF code in the client mode. DFSTPOSCLI "SOUTH10000_01" Specify the default start position in the client mode. GROUNDFIRE TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the server allows ground to air fire. FREECLIENT TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the program frees memory when possible in the client mode. Actually, there are many problem reports including the server crash problem when this setting is TRUE. The cause of the server crash is still unknown and I could not re-produce the same problem in my environment. I only could make some defensive modifications, so, you may want to turn this setting off if you experience problems during playing over network. FREESERVER TRUE/FALSE Specify whether the program frees memory when possible in the server mode. Actually, there are many problem reports including the server crash problem when this setting is TRUE. The cause of the server crash is still unknown and I could not re-produce the same problem in my environment. I only could make some defensive modifications, so, you may want to turn this setting off if you experience problems during playing over network. SENDBLKOUT TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, the server sends the "GBLACKOUT" setting of flight.cfg to clients. Otherwise, clients uses their own "GBLACKOUT" setting. SENDLDAWHR TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, the server sends the "LANDANWHR" setting of flight.cfg to clients. Otherwise, clients uses their own "LANDANWHR" setting. SENDMIDAIR TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, the server sends the "MIDAIRCOL" setting of flight.cfg to clients. Otherwise, clients uses their own "MIDAIRCOL" setting. NOGUNSIGHT TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, all the clients connected to the server do not show lead gun sight regardless the local configuration. SAMEVERSIN TRUE/FALSE If it is TRUE, the server only accepts connection from clients of the same YSFLIGHT version. SVRRESETTM Nmin If other than 0min is specified, the server resets itself once every N minutes. Warning messages are sent to the clients 30, 15, 10, 5, and 1 minutes before resetting. ENTSVRAFTR M If non zero minutes is specified for SVRRESETTM, the server will terminate automatically after resetting M times. By using SVRRESETTM and ENTSVRAFTR together, you can set up a server that runs specific duration of time. For example, if you set as: SVRRESETTM 360min ENTSVRAFTR 9 The server runs 360 minutes times 9 = 3240 minutes, which corresponds to 54 hours. If you set up a task scheduler so that it starts a server at 6pm every Friday with the following command line: ysflight -server AutoServer -autoexit The server starts at 6pm on Friday, and terminates 0am on Monday. [option.cfg] SCREENMOD 0 Ignored in Linux version. SOUND TRUE Ignored in Linux version. OPENDEMO TRUE/FALSE If it is true, the program shows opening dogfight demonstration. [ctlassign.cfg] Joystick Axis Assignment AXS joyId joyAxs AxisFunction or AXS joyId joyAxs AxisFunction REV joyId='M' means mouse joyId must be 0<=joyId<=3 joyAxs must be 0<=joyAxs<=5 joyId=3 also means mouse, but it may change in the future versions. "REV" at the end of line means reverse. Joystick Trigger Assignment TRG joyId joyTrg ButtonFunction joyTrg must be 0<=joyTrg<=7 Keyboard Assignment KEY keyCode ButtonFunction List of AxisFunctions NULL NULL AILERON Aileron ELEVATOR Elevator THROTTLE Throttle RUDDER Rudder FLAP Flap LANDINGGEAR Landing Gear TRIM Elevator Trim NOZZLE VTOL Nozzle Up/Down (Nose for Concorde) VGW Variable Geometry Wing SPOILERBRAKE AirBrake + Brake SPOILER AirBrake BRAKE Brake POVX X Axis of Point of View POVY Y Axis of Point of View List of ButtonFunctions NULL NULL ELEVATORUP Elevator Up ELEVATORNEUTRAL Elevator Neutral ELEVATORDOWN Elevator Down AILERONLEFT Aileron Left AILERONNEUTRAL Aileron Neutral AILERONRIGHT Aileron Right RUDDERLEFT Rudder Left RUDDERCENTER Rudder Center RUDDERRIGHT Rudder Right TRIMUP Elevator Trim Up TRIMDOWN Elevator Trim Down AUTOTRIM Auto Trim THROTTLEUP Throttle Add Power THROTTLEDOWN Throttle Reduce Power THROTTLEMAX Throttle Max THROTTLEIDLE Throttle Min (Idle) AFTERBURNER Afterburner NOZZLEUP Nozzle Up (Nose Up for Concorde) NOZZLEDOWN Nozzle Down (Nose Down for Concorde) VGWEXTEND Extend Variable Geometry Wing VGWRETRACT Retract Variable Geometry Wing LANDINGGEAR Landing Gear Extend/Retract FLAP Flap Up/Down FLAPUP Flap Up FLAPDOWN Flap Down FLAPFULLUP Flap Full Up FLAPFULLDOWN Flap Full Down SPOILERBRAKE Spoiler and Brake On/Off SPOILER Spoiler Extend/Retract SPOILEREXTEND Spoiler Extend SPOILERRETRACT Spoiler Retract SPOILERHOLD Spoiler On When Pressed BRAKEONOFF Brake On/Off BRAKEHOLD Brake On When Pressed FIREWEAPON Fire Selected Weapon FIREGUN Fire Machine Gun FIREAAM Fire AAM FIREAGM Fire AGM FIREROCKET Fire Rocket DROPBOMB Drop Bomb DISPENSEFLARE Dispense Flare SMOKE Smoke SELECTWEAPON Select Weapon RADAR Radar RADARRANGEUP Radar Range Up RADARRANGEDOWN Radar Range Down ILS ILS On/Off VELOCITYINDICATOR Velocity Indicator On/Off OPENAUTOPILOTMENU Open Autopilot Menu OPENRADIOCOMMMENU Open Radio Comm Menu COCKPITVIEW Cockpit View OUTSIDEPLAYERVIEW Outside Player View COMPUTERAIRPLANEVIEW Computer Airplane View WEAPONVIEW Weapon View ILSVIEW ILS View OUTSIDEPLAYERVIEW2 Outside Player View 2 OUTSIDEPLAYERVIEW3 Outside Player View 3 CONTROLTOWERVIEW Control Tower View CHANGEAIRPLANE Change Airplane in Replay Record Mode LOOKFORWARD Look Forward LOOKRIGHT Look Right LOOKLEFT Look Left LOOKBACK Look Back LOOKUP Look Up LOOKDOWN Look Down REVERSETHRUST Reverse Thrust OPENSUBWINDOWMENU Open Sub-Window Menu CHANGEHUDCOLOR Change HUD Color PAUSESIMULATION Pause Simulation GHOSTVIEW Ghost View OPENVORMENU Select VOR ROTATEVORLEFT Rotate VOR to the Left ROTATEVORRIGHT Rotate VOR to the Right BOMBBAYDOOR Open/Close Bomb Bay Door INFLIGHTCFG In-Flight Config Change List of KeyCodes SPACE Space 0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 A A B B C C D D E E F F G G H H I I J J K K L L M M N N O O P P Q Q R R S S T T U U V V W W X X Y Y Z Z ESC Esc F1 F1 F2 F2 F3 F3 F4 F4 F5 F5 F6 F6 F7 F7 F8 F8 F9 F9 F11 F11 F12 F12 CAPSLOCK Caps Lock SCROLLLOCK Scroll Lock PAUSEBREAK Pause BS Backspace TAB Tab ENTER Enter SHIFT Shift CTRL Ctrl INS Insert DEL Delete HOME Home END End PAGEUP Page Up PAGEDOWN Page Down UP Up Arrow DOWN Down Arrow LEFT Left Arrow RIGHT Right Arrow NUMLOCK Num Lock TILDA ~ MINUS - PLUS + LBRACKET [ RBRACKET ] BACKSLASH \ SEMICOLON ; SINGLEQUOTE ' COMMA , DOT . SLASH / TEN0 0 (NUMPAD) TEN1 1 (NUMPAD) TEN2 2 (NUMPAD) TEN3 3 (NUMPAD) TEN4 4 (NUMPAD) TEN5 5 (NUMPAD) TEN6 6 (NUMPAD) TEN7 7 (NUMPAD) TEN8 8 (NUMPAD) TEN9 9 (NUMPAD) TENDOT . (NUMPAD) TENSLASH / (NUMPAD) TENSTAR * (NUMPAD) TENMINUS - (NUMPAD) TENPLUS + (NUMPAD)