YS-Class Library


YS-Class library is a class library used in many programs available from YSFLIGHT.COM including YS Flight Simulator.  The main features of the class library is as follows.

  • Geometric computation
    • 2D and 3D Vector classes with basic operators
    • 3x3, 4x4, and arbitrary-size matrices
    • Inside/Outside check of 2D and 3D polygons
    • Tessellation of a 2D/3D polygon
    • Polygonal shell class and boolean operations.
    • etc.
  • Template classes and functions
    • Sorting
    • List
    • Array
    • etc.

The library is a collections of functions and classes that I have developed and have been using since I was an undergrad.  (Some of the functions have been imported and improved from Blue Impulse 3D Graphics SDK.)  It has been used in various research projects and product developments.  I can say it is pretty reliable.

About Copyright

I keep the copyright of the files included in the package.  However, you can use this library for your own product, regardless of free or commercial, proprietary or open source, if you agree to take all responsibility on the consequence of using any contents included in the YS-Class library package and I will not take any responsibility.  If you disagree, please do not use YS-Class library.  There is no string attached.  Use of this class library will NEVER obligate you to disclose your source code.


The package includes header files, source files, and a Windows library file compiled with Visual Studio 2005 Express edition.  The library has also been tested on Linux (Cent OS 5, and Ubuntu 8.04) and Mac OS X.  To build the library, you can go down to src sub-directory and type in the terminal as:

make -f makefile.unx

You will get libysclass.a.


[Click Here!]

Where to begin?

Short examples are also included in the package.  I suppose those samples are good place to start.  The package also includes a reference manual, but I need to admit that the manual is not up to date.

Function/Class Reference

Older Versions